Activity body when sleeping

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activity body when sleeping

There are several types of sleep disorders. Some of you may have experienced events where you sleep when your body is moving on its own. By the time you've been in a comfortable condition while sleeping under a warm blanket, suddenly you dream fell while biking, slip, or fall from elsewhere. Because of the dream, suddenly the body moves itself because it felt very shocked. The body will twitch for their reflexes, as if we were actually falling, but it all turned out to be just a dream. Almost everyone has experienced it. In general, the condition of the body moves itself by making jerking movements are normal. The conditions in the medical world is often referred to hypnic jerk, which is a sleep disorder that causes the body as if about to fall. The condition usually occurs when the condition of the body is very tired. As a result, the body naturally through sleep stages.

Body Moves Alone Cause Sleep Current
Body moves itself during sleep will usually occur when the body enters the early stages of sleep. This usually occurs because of the condition of the body is too tired. Movement happens when we sleep that researchers say is a reflex nature to protect. So, when we feel will drop, the body will spontaneously move as an attempt to protect themselves. There is a suggestion that when we fall asleep, the muscles will relax. The condition can be interpreted by the brain as a condition when the body will fall. So automatically, the brain sends a signal to the body to cause the muscles to tighten and body is in an upright condition.

Someone who has not gone through a phase hypnic jerk slept normally. Normally, a person sleep phase is divided into two, namely:

  • The first phase is non-REM (Rapid Eye Movement) is the phase when we want to sleep. The body is in a state between the conscious and unconscious.
  • The second stage is the REM stage is the stage when we are experiencing a deep sleep and dreaming. At that time, the brain has the same wavelength as when we are aware, as a result the signal transmitted to the body is the same. However, when we dream, some of the brain will paralyze its functions in order to sleep undisturbed.

Someone who has not experienced hypnic jerk possibility of non-REM stage. Because the body was too tired, then closed his eyes when someone will fell asleep so his stage becomes abnormal. The body will go through the state in which functions are decreased abruptly. (See also: sleeping late is not good)

Dreams are subconscious thoughts. Dreams involving various senses during sleep, such as vision, hearing, thinking, feeling, or other senses. Genesis in dreamland usually impossible to happen in the real world. However, several cases show that one can experience a lucid dream, that is, when a person realizes that he was in dreamland, then he has the awareness to change the atmosphere or the various aspects that exist in nature dream.

Moving body itself due hypnic a jerk or twitch muscle movements unconscious. It occurs when the body is in a state of transition between wakefulness and sleep. Someone who has hypnic jerk usually have poor sleep quality, especially when the body is in a condition very tired.

To prevent hypnic jerk, the researchers suggest that the atmosphere of the bedroom made into comfortable as possible. Preferably, also avoid consuming caffeinated and alcoholic beverages. In addition, keep your body does not carry out activities that are too heavy so that fatigue can be avoided.

Besides hypnic jerk, the body that moves itself during sleep can also occur when a person has an alien hand syndrome. Alien hand syndrome usually causes the body to move itself during sleep, as if the body has a mind of its own. Alien hand syndrome (AHS) is a neurological disorder that causes a person to lose control of his limbs during sleep, usually part of the body affected by this syndrome are the hands, feet, or even the entire body.
However , not too many people with AHS . This syndrome is very vulnerable experienced by people over the age of 30 years . This syndrome can also occur in those who have had surgery related to the brain and also the waves . In very extreme cases , a person can do struggle with his own hands when sleeping . It could be someone who experienced it are people who have suffered brain defects . Because the cause is defects in the brain then until now has not found a drug from the syndrome . However , for the healing process can usually be done through regular therapy .

Thus the explanation of the cause of the moving body itself when sleeping . Usually , the fatigue factor plays a role as a cause of the greatest moving body itself during sleep . Therefore, keep your body to not be too tired and also by adopting a healthy lifestyle .

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