Getting Rid of Fleas Fast Hair Naturally

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Getting Rid of Fleas Fast Hair Naturally

Head lice is an animal whose existence was never expected. The reason these small animals are always considered to bring harm to anyone its host. In addition to causing itching of the scalp, where hair lice is also of course makes people less confident. This self-distrust arises because of lice is categorized as a disgusting beast so for oreng infected feel that there is something to be in his body.

Anyone who is infected with lice is sure to be trying to get rid of it even though by any means. Various ways to eliminate head lice is, by treatment with chemicals or by natural means. Many things can be done to eliminate these lice. Some of the ways that we can do to eradicate the presence of lice, among others are:

Who does not know the almonds? Type nuts on this one a lot of fans. In addition to good taste and can be used as a mixture of various foods, almonds, it is also contains a variety of benefits. Almond is known as percutaneous coronary nut. This is because almonds contain vitamins that can benefit the body. But did you know that was delicious almonds also has benefits to repel fleas from our hair? Yes, we could use it for therapy almonds eliminate fleas who love to be in our hair. Then, how to use almonds have to repel the ticks kutu- existence ?, how can we do to combat infestation by using almonds are as follows:

  • Way. Take 10 seeds almonds and soak in water for a whole night. In the morning, peel the almonds, then milled or mashed up into a thick paste. Add three tablespoons of lemon juice or lime juice into the almond paste earlier. Then the mixture will become creamy
  • Application. Apply the cream to the top of the scalp and hair evenly. Let stand and wait for approximately two hours. Then, wash the pasta stuck to the scalp and hair well before using cold water. Perform this treatment once a week over a period of approximately two hoax or wait until the results of this therapy can be seen. If therapy has been performed but not improved too, you use other means or using drugs or can also consult a doctor.

The second way that we can do to repel fleas from our scalps is to use alcohol. As we know  alcohol is a hard material whose existence is often human body. Humans are also forbidden to consume food or drinks that contain too much alcohol. Because it will damage the human body itself. But not forever this alcohol is evil. Did you know that was the alcohol can also bring benefits to human beings? One of the benefits we will get from this alcohol is to eliminate head lice is an animal that must be completed existence.

Containing 70 percent alcohol content of isopropyl or commonly called the absolute alcohol is a type of alcohol that can be used to eradicate the presence of lice this. In addition to powerful, this material is also safe to use. The success of this alcohol treatment can be guaranteed, depending on how dare you to try it. Then, how to make potions from this lakohol to eradicate the presence of the tick head lice ?. As for how we can do to eradicate head lice with the use of alcohol is another :

  • Way. Prepare a container in the form of a basin or bowl. Pour the alcohol into the container.
  • Application. Rub the alcohol to ramput and also scalp menyeuruh. For this we can use our fingers to flatten it. After the hair and scalp was covered with alcohol, then we can rub or massage it slowly. Then leave on hair for a few minutes. After settling belama few minutes do not hastily cleaned, but add conditioner enough to rub the scalp. Comb hair with a special comb to remove lice from hair kutu-. If we feel that the lice that fall has been quite a lot and we feel quite satisfied, then we can clean the hair with shampoo manner using a shampoo or other hair cleaning materials.
  • Important. This treatment should only be done once a week for one or two months. If its time has passed but the infestation has not moved away then you can consult your doctor about the problem of lice is so that later get good advice from a doctor and efficacious. (Read: Harmful effects of alcohol - The effect of alcohol on the nervous system)

Lemon juice
Lemon is a fruit that contains vitamin C and is known as the fruit is very beneficial to humans. Not only for health, but lemon is also beneficial for beauty. Lemon is  known as the fruit that contains many beneficial vitamins, also known as fresh fruit that tastes good. Often lemon processed as refreshing beverages also increase energy and give effect to cheer for anyone who consuming.

so lemon namely as aromatherapy benefits for humans. Fresh lemon scent to evoke the spirit and also treat the headache that often attack people. Lemon is very tasty  processed into juice. Did you know lemon juice, besides refreshing and healthful, that also be used to eliminate head lice? Fleas who love to be in the neighborhood of the scalp can be expelled by using lemon juice. Then, how do you get the ticks head lice- be lost? Here is a way that we can do to repel the presence of lice on the scalp using lemon juice:

  • Way. Make lemon juice from a fresh lemon fruit by way membendernya. Mixed with vinegar.
  • Application. Wash hair using the lemon juice evenly to the scalp, leave on hair that has been washed using lemon juice for a few minutes or half an hour. Then wash the hair by rinsing with warm water mixed with vinegar.
  • Advantages. Treatment using lemon juice mixed with vinegar can eliminate lice with a powerful and fast too. Treatment using lemon juice mixed with vinegar is suitable performed by anyone who is infected with lice, ranging from children to senior citizens. This is because the treatments do not invite or cause side effects so it is safe to do. In addition, because the lemon juice in it will not harm the hair.

Olive oil
Olive oil is a multifunctional ingredient. Olive oil is an oil that contains the benefits are numerous. Besides can be used as a way to cope with dry lips, this oil can be used to remove ticks. The benefits that can be obtained from olive oil is not only a benefit for beauty and health, but also can make food taste good and tasty. Olive oil is the extraction of oil from olives. Olive oil is a very well-known properties had that as oil care for skin that never deserted demand. Did you know there are other benefits that can be obtained from this olive oil? Namely to eliminate the lice. Then, how that can be done to eliminate head lice by using olive oil?

  • Before use, apply olive oil to the entire scalp and every hair when bedtime.
  • Cover the scalp and hair also use a shower cap, and then go to sleep on their backs and do not try on a lot of moves.
  • In the morning, wash your hair with clean water and then finish off with shampoo.
  • Health and beauty therapies also can do every day to get maximum results. This is because olive oil is a safe material  not have adverse effects on the condition of the hair, so that we can do it on a regular basic without fear of side effects will be exposed.

Red onion
Shallots is a kind of spice that its use is required by everyone. Shallots is in addition to making food to be tasty, savory, and also delicious, ternyara this spice is also often used to cure a number of diseases. One well-known properties of the onion is to relieve the symptoms of colds. Symptoms of colds can be alleviated by using warm onion because of the effects they may cause. But did you know that onions have turned out to have other benefits? Ie it can eliminate the lice. Then, how can we use this onion to get rid of lice?

  • Way. Take 4 to 5 cloves shallots and blend to form a thick paste. The paste is then bandaged with a cloth and squeeze to drain, then the capacity of the water into the bowl
  • Application. Apply this garlic oil on the scalp and massage slowly and close using shower- cap, leave on your hair for approximately two hours. Wash using shampoo as usual but is by using warm water. Then dry the hair with a towel and then comb it slowly using a lice comb to dislodge the presence of lice falling from your hair. These treatments or therapies can be done once a week in two consecutive months until the infestation had really gone out of our scalp.

Mayonnaise is a kind of pasta that is used to mix a meal as well as chili sauce or tomato. But you need to know is in addition to  mayonnaise can add to our food to be delicious, it also has other benefits. Benefits of mayonnaise is one of them as therapeutic agents for eliminating head lice. So how do I do to get rid of lice with mayonnaise using this material?

  • Apply mayonnaise to the hair thoroughly to the scalp area
  • Then cover with shower cap or plastic. Ataun if you can close it with a towel or cloth as a coating
  • Let the mayonnaise is working to kill fleas kutu- this for at least 5 to 6 hours
  • If thats enough, wash hair with menggunakanshampo as usual and dry using a hair dryer with hot temperatures in order to maximize the results of the work of the mayonnaise to kill fleas
  • Finally, use a lice comb it slowly and see how many lice were dead because of the work of this mayonnaise.
  • Such therapy can be done as much as once a week for two months and see how powerful this mayonnaise in killing the head lice-.

Coconut oil
other used as food deterrent premature gray hair, coconut oil can be used as a flea repellent material that is in our heads, here are the steps you can take:

  • Apply coconut oil to the hair and scalp, then massage slowly.
  • Then cover with a shower cap and leave overnight.
  • On the next day, wash your hair with shampoo
  • Once dry, comb using a special comb to remove lice and see how many ticks will fall out of your head.
  • You can do this therapy routine every day up to five days for one week. then be five days after the first week, do five days in the next week until the infestation actually felt dead all.

Vinegar is an acidic liquid that is used when we eat meatballs. Levels of acid in vinegar in proved very effective at killing lice and also destroy the eggs unhatched lice are seen strongly attached to the hair. Therapeutic uses this vinegar can be done by applying vinegar on the hair thoroughly or evenly. But sometimes you need to know acidity of vinegar is bringing less side effects or adverse good too. To minimize this you can add the water before applied it to the hair.

Lime and White Wood Oil
Eucalyptus oil which is known as cold medicine it can be used to eliminate the infestation. Recipes then rid of lice is to use a mixture of lemon and eucalyptus oil. The combination between these two materials can be natural flea control is a powerful and up to now then proven successful in eradicating lice wandering in the scalp. Then, how to use a potion of lemon eucalyptus oil mixed with this? The trick is as follows:

  • Way. Take one lemon and squeeze the disposed water into the bowl. Add six tablespoons of eucalyptus oil
  • Application. Rub liquid lime and eucalyptus oil is then rubbed into the hair and scalp by using your hands. Let stand for a moment for a little over two hours. Wash hair is by using water and shampoo to clean. 

Aloe vera
Aloe vera or Aloe Vera is a plant that is not doubt usefulness. There are so many benefits that we can get from this aloe vera plant. Aloe or aloe vera is a plant that since the first believed to be a plant that can take care of the health of the hair. In addition to maintaining healthy hair turns aloe vera is also useful as a head lice remover. To repel head lice- in the skin clod, here's how:

  • Way. Take the aloe plant is old ( ie, dark green and the leaves are at the very bottom ) , with amounts roughly corresponding to the thickness of a hair . Then wash the aloe vera that have been picked by using water . Dissect the aloe vera into two parts .
  • Application . Rub the inside of the aloe vera on the scalp and hair as well as slowly only. In this stage , make sure the mucus gel or aloe vera can be on the scalp . Flatten the mucus using the hand that has been moistened by water then give a massage in slowly for approximately 20 minutes . After 2 to 3 hours , Wash hair with clean water and drain . Recently Wash using aloe vera shampoo that smells disappear .

Soursop leaf
Soursop leaves is highly efficacious to cure various kinds of diseases, both light and heavy disease. Beside that the soursop leaves is also beneficial to eliminate the infestation of existing hair. So how to use this soursop leaves as lice repellent material? How that can be used is to boil a handful of soursop leaves into the water. Then use water to wash it. But before you start shampooing using soursop leaf water, clean the hair in advance * with cold water. Perform this treatment regularly until  lice in your hair really lost or ethics is enough to do so.

Using camphor
Various ways we can do to eradicate the lice nesting in our hair, whether by natural or ways of doing action-specific action. But when one is in the threshold between surrender and too optimistic, lime magically came to give help in the form of a solution. Chalk this magic is the way most people dilakukanorang- to eradicate the presence of insects, including ticks in the head. Then, how to use this magic chalk to eliminate the infestation that in fact always nested in hair and also scalp? The trick is to carve a magic chalk into the scalp thoroughly and then let stand until approximately three hours. Then it using shampoo with cold water too. However, this should not be done so often. Because in this magical chalk contain a lot of chemicals that can affect hair health and our body.

Thus some way to eliminate head lice in our heads. Because of the ways above is how natural, then we can do it at home. Hopefully this article useful to you.

2 Responses to "Getting Rid of Fleas Fast Hair Naturally"

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