Asthma is a disease that attacks the human respiratory system. On the condition of a person suffering from asthma, the breathing path narrowed and swollen and mucus are huge numbers. So the conditions that make people who suffer from asthma have difficulty breathing. In addition, these conditions can lead to coughing - coughing and panting - middle. Of course, it would be very disturbing daily activities - day.
Under certain conditions, asthma can be triggered by many things that are around us. And it can happen anytime. Asthma can attack sufferers who are working or doing other things. In addition, some medical experts said if asthma is a disease that is not curable. However, one solution to make the impact is not too heavy is to control symptoms.
The following will be explained about some of the causes of asthma. By knowing the cause, hopefully you can make you more alert to avoid asthma.
Causes of Asthma
The main cause of asthma is not known. However, asthma is most likely caused by genetic factors are other family members who have a history of asthma. Unhealthy environmental factors are also suspected factors that cause a person suffering from asthma. However, some asthma triggers can be explained and can be alert for you or anyone to avoid them from asthma relapse. Here are some of the triggers of asthma:
1. AllergyKeep in mind that trigger asthma in a patient with asthma and other asthma sufferers can be different - different. It is not known exactly why. However, some trigger factors above may make you more alert and stay away from things - things above.2. Respiratory tract infections such as colds
- pelage
- Pollen from flowers
- Mite
- Dust
- Insects such as mites and cockroaches
3. Physical activities like sports
4. Cold air
5. Air pollution, smoking is one of the causes
6. Respiratory tract irritation (cause ispa)
7. Drugs - certain drugs such as ibuprofen, aspirin or naproxen
8. Emotionally unstable
9. Stress
10. Foods like shrimp
11. Food preservative
12. Diseases like a disease which causes stomach acid to rise and to block the throat.
13. The menstrual cycle usually occurs only in some women
symptoms of Asthma
Traits - traits and asthma symptoms vary greatly from one patient to another asthma sufferer. Symptoms - symptoms can range from mild symptoms and severe symptoms can also occur in people with asthma who are already in the acute stage. Listed below are the traits - traits and symptoms of asthma:
There are circumstances where a very severe asthma cause severe symptoms as well. If the symptoms - of the following symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor.
- Hard to breathe
- Tightness in the chest accompanied by pain
- Trouble sleeping caused by shortness of breath
- Sounds like choking when breathing
- Coughs
- Flu can even aggravate asthma
If you experience any of the symptoms and traits - traits of asthma that has been mentioned above, immediately go to the doctor and consult if you need to get special handling or not.
- Your doctor promptly if symptoms - symptoms that have been mentioned above occur more frequently and with greater severity.
- Increasingly difficult to breathe
- require more frequent inhaler to relieve shortness of breath
How to Diagnose Asthma
If you have symptoms - symptoms and traits - traits asthma, your doctor may advise you to undergo some screening tests. Here are some diagnoses may be performed by a doctor to determine if you have asthma or not:
- spirometry
Spirometry is a test most commonly performed to diagnose asthma. This test is the breathing test to determine whether the lungs - your lungs are functioning normally or not. Inspection procedures will require you to inhale and exhale, a device called a spirometer to be used at this stage.
Usually you will be required to conduct an inspection of this tool several times. This is intended to ensure the accuracy of test results. After a spirometry examination is completed, the next stage is the doctor will compare it with the condition of people who have a normal state of the respiratory system, so it can be seen if you include those having normal conditions of the respiratory system as well or not.
Spirometry is also an examination to diagnose asthma who have a fairly high degree of accuracy. Spirometry test results can even distinguish the respiratory system disease as what you actually experienced from other respiratory diseases.
- Peak expiratory flow
Other tests in order to diagnose asthma is a test called Peak expiratory flow or also shortened by PEF. In this test, a device called a peak flow meter is used to measure how much air you exhale from the lungs - lungs in one breath.
If you do this test, you will be required to practice before you test the real PEF. Usually you will be given the opportunity of one to two times as a trial, and the third time will be a real test.
In addition, a doctor also will provide a peak flow meter for you to take home, so that you can perform these tests on a regular basis and the results will be more accurate.
- Airways Responsiveness
In addition to some of the tests already described above, which is the most common tests done to diagnose asthma, if the results of the test - the test is not so clear or inaccurate, then called airways responsiveness tests will be conducted.
In this test, which will be used is a drug - certain drugs. The drugs of the drug will serve as a stimulus to trigger a minor irritation in the respiratory tract. Irritation arising will inhibit the airways, so that further tests spirometry or peak flow tests can be done to better ensure the accuracy of the results
- Tests Inflammatory Respiratory
This test will be aimed to examine whether there is inflammation in the respiratory tract for you or not. By doing a test like this, the results will be far more accurate to determine if you suffer from asthma or not. To test the inflammation of the airways will be sampling mucus or snot. This mucus will be taken to the lab to see the sign - a sign of inflammation in the airways.
In addition to sampling mucus, nitric oxide test contained on your breath will do. If the level of nitric oxide in your high gusts, then this could be a sign if you suffer from asthma.
- allergy testing
This allergy test nature constitute further tests after you have been diagnosed with asthma. Allergy test done which may include blood or skin samples to determine whether the asthma suffered no relation or not with allergies such as dust, animal hair or other. Tests like this can also serve to determine if you are sensitive to certain types of substances that can trigger asthma.Treatment of Asthma
If you are already undergoing tests - tests to diagnose asthma and the results show if you really suffer from asthma, your doctor will recommend medications - certain medicines to treat the disease. The drug will be adapted to conditions such as how severe asthma suffered asthma and several other factors.
One asthmatics and the other asthma sufferers may be given a different treatment. Here are a few ways of handling and treatment of asthma:
- Treatment using inhaler
Inhalers used by asthmatics to help drugs - drugs that have been given by the doctor in order to get into the respiratory system and works well for treating asthma. The use of inhalers is claimed as the most effective way to treat asthma because the medication directly to the lungs organs - lungs.
- Treatment using a spacer
The use of this spacer is usually to complete the inhaler. Intended use spacer itself is to further streamline more drugs - drugs that are inhaled and enter into the respiratory system. Spacer also has another function, namely to prevent occurrence of side effects from the use of inhalers in the form of thrush or any other side effects.The use of spacer is commonly found in children - children who suffer from asthma. However, it is not impossible if the adult asthma can also use this tool if she had trouble using the inhaler.
How to Prevent Asthma
If you are an asthma sufferer, you have to do is to avoid things - things that can trigger asthma. In addition, asthma triggers can also cause asthma symptoms such as coughing - coughing to shortness of breath became worse. By avoiding asthma triggers then you can prevent asthma attacks are sudden, because basically asthma is a disease that has no cure. However, do not worry, you can still be able to control the symptoms caused by asthma.
Find out what are the factors that can trigger asthma that you suffer
To make things easier to prevent asthma attacks, you first need to know - is it anything that can trigger asthma attacks. Next thing you need to do is to avoid contact with these asthma triggers. The following factors - triggers of asthma, one of which may be a trigger factor of asthma that you suffer:Recognize asthma triggers is very important, so that you too can then avoid it - it is.
- Air pollution
- Allergy
- Cold air
- The flu virus
- fragrances
- Cigarette smoke, cigarette smoke is very lethal danger to health and cause acute asthma.
Find out if there are allergens in your environment
The environment in which you are either at work or home can trigger asthma even if there is indeed such environments are allergen. If you are allergic to cigarette smoke, if you want to eat in a restaurant, for example, you should make sure in advance whether the restaurant is free from tobacco smoke. It may sound trivial, but it is vital for the prevention of asthma.
Flu Vaccination for the prevention of asthma
Vaccination can prevent your flu flu virus that will surely keep you from the flu that can trigger and aggravate asthma. In addition, if a person suffering from asthma have the flu, the impact can be even worse.
Pneumonia can be a very bad effect on the occurrence of asthma and flu kompilaksi same. Flu vaccination can be done once a year in order to function optimally.
Preventing a recurrence of his asthma with allergy vaccination
Doing vaccine allergies or who are also called immunotherapy will prevent allergies. If you are allergic to something, allergies can trigger a relapse of her asthma. Asthma is a disease that can be prevented with good health habits that we do.
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