The causes of blood coagulation

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Conditions of human blood can be lumpy , but we rarely to check the condition of the blood in his body. Though this condition can be a disease of the blood coagulation . blood coagulation should not be underestimated , the reason is viscous blood can not flow to the entire body as a result is a thick blood that can block blood flow in the body . blood coagulation in contrast to blood clotting , blood clotting is required when the injured man and stop the bleeding that was on him. While the gore is hazardous to health , because gore are the cause of various chronic and deadly diseases .

You should understand yourself , note when the body becomes uncomfortable and began to show symptoms of the disease blood coagulation .
Here are the symptoms of the disease blood coagulation

  • Sore eyes
  • Feels headache
  • The body becomes weak .
  • Dizzy
  • Migraine with a frequency that is often
  • drowsiness
  • Experiencing symptoms of anemia
  • weary

Occurrence blood coagulation
Gore can not happen overnight, but there is the occurrence of blood coagulation.
Here is the process of blood coagulation:
  • Basically, the blood was watery and not thick as blood composed made of water.
  • Unfortunately when the body is dehydrated, the blood will be thick because of water in the blood is aspirated and eventually thickens.
  • The journey of blood throughout the body will be less current than the blood that are watered.
  • Do not underestimate the blood is thick, it is because a thick blood can damage the kidneys. When gore through the kidneys, the kidneys have to work harder to filter blood.
  • Filter in the kidneys was smooth, so it is not uncommon in the screening process gore, gore it could tear the renal glomerulus.
  • If the kidney glomerulus has been torn, the kidneys can not filter the blood back. Urine you spend will be red.
  • If the kidneys leak continues to occur, as a result you have to do dialysis every week.

Many people who do not know anything that could cause a person exposed to the gore. If someone knows what the cause of gore, certainly many people who will avoid anything that could cause a person exposed to the blood coagulation

Here are the things that can cause the blood to become thick:

1. Alcohol
Dangers of alcohol is not good for blood circulation, it is because alcohol can beat any moisture present in the body. The more often people drink alcohol, the more often you will be affected by dehydration. In fact, dehydration is the main cause why the blood becomes thick. Avoid consuming alcohol if you do not want the blood becomes thick and protected from various chronic diseases.

2. Consume Less Water
The effects of water shortage in the body can cause a person exposed to the gore. Water is very helpful for maintaining your health. Water can be used to maintain health and stamina. If you have a tiring work activity, you have to compensate by consuming enough water. The drinks are consumed is white water, the mistakes of today are those who choose to consume a lot of tea and coffee on their desks as compared to drinking water.

3. Smoking
Nicotine in cigarettes can cause blood flow is not smooth, not smooth streamed blood will clot and cause a blood clot. That is why to avoid the dangers of smoking and drinking-liquor to avoid blood coagulation.

4. Less motion
People who work in the office will perform monotonous activities, activities that form and then sat in a chair facing a laptop. Activities are monotonous it could cause blood flow is not smooth and the cause of gore. If you work in an office, balancing with enough exercise while in the house.

5. Cholesterol
People who suffer from high cholesterol tend to have thick blood, do not be surprised if cholesterol patients could be infected with a variety of chronic diseases for example are the heart and stroke.

6. Lack of Platelets
The cause of gore in the body can occur due to a shortage of platelets. Platelets are the substances that play a role in blood clotting. As a result, blood can stick together and stick to each other. If it had been attached to each other, the blood will be thick and difficult to flow throughout the body. If it is so needed a way to be able to thin the blood back.

7. Damage Endothelial
Which causes the blood to become thick is endothelial damage. Endothelial function is a part of the blood to freeze the blood in case of injury or bleeding. If the endothelium is damaged, platelets to one another can stick together so that the risk of blood becomes thick and difficult to pour even greater.

8. Syndrome
blood coagulation syndrome is a cause that can lead to increased blood concentrations. Blood concentrations can be caused by various things, such is the shortage of blood platelets, blood or platelets can be mutually attached to one another. If it had been attached to each other then the blood becomes thick and difficult to pour.

9. Eating
As many as 60 percent of the cause of the clot is irregular eating patterns. Irregular eating patterns can cause a person exposed to blood coagulation, because eating regularly will be followed by a healthy diet is irregular anyway.

10. Stress
Stress can cause blood clots because stress can make blood vessel constriction and blood into non-current to flow. Blood can flow it will have condensation and mutually attached to each other.

11. Free Radicals
Free radicals can cause a person exposed to blood coagulation, free radicals which can cause the blood to become thick air pollution and many others.

12. Genetic
If you have a parent who has the disease blood coagulation , your risk of the disease tends to be large . Not only that, if you are carrying the virus that causes hepatitis that you get from both parents then you vulnerable to contracting the cause of gore in the body .

13. Cold Temperature
Cold temperatures can also cause the blood to become thick . Cold temperatures can you get when you get on a plane , at a height above the earth's surface , the temperature will suddenly become cold . When the cold blood will be thick .

prevent gore
Prevention is better than the cure. To avoid the complications of blood coagulation you should know how to prevent the occurrence of blood coagulation. Here's how to prevent diseases gore:

Healthy food
To avoid the blood coagulation is that you have to eat healthy food. Healthy food that is healthy food 4 and 5 is perfect. Avoid wide variety of foods that contain cholesterol. Cholesterol is the cause lumpy and it becomes difficult to flow. Foods with high cholesterol should be avoided.

Healthy lifestyles
You should start adopting a healthy lifestyle. Healthy lifestyle it is a lifestyle without alcohol, cigarettes and certainly without adequate rest.

Fix your mindset, do not make yourself an easy stress and easily screwed. Healthy mindset be one way to prevent the blood becomes thick.

consuming Antioxidants
Antioxidants are good for health. That's because antioxidants are very helpful in counteracting free radicals. Free radicals are the cause of the blood becomes thick and various other chronic diseases. Consuming fruits and foods rich in antioxidants are very effective for preventing blood coagulation

There is no harm if you do the relaxation by doing massage at the spa. Massage can be helpful in sorting because the blood circulation of the body can be used for circulation. Calming effect derived from massage can also make you become more relaxed and avoid blockage of blood flow.

Exercise can be used for circulation. The body is accustomed to moving will have a smooth blood circulation compared with a body that does not move at all.

How To Overcome Gore
To avoid complications, you should immediately find ways to overcome the gore. Here are the different ways you can do to overcome the blood coagulation:

Consuming Water
To prevent the gore, you should consume enough water. Of water consumed can be used to smooth the flow of blood in the body, so the blood that had been condensed back into a liquid.

Cupping is a traditional medicine that can be used to expedite the flow of blood and the blood is dirty. Not only that, a thick blood can be issued by way of cupping.

The content in garlic can be used to thin the blood. Currently there are garlic supplements sold in pharmacies to launch and resell blood coagulate.

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain. The enzyme is an enzyme which is beneficial in the blood. Thin the blood coagulate in the body can consume pineapple 50 grams per day.

Apple vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used to thin the blood, the reason is the content of potassium in apple cider vinegar can be used to break down fats and solve protein in the blood. Breakdown of protein and fat also can be used to thin the blood naturally. Not only that, the consumption of apple cider vinegar can be used to prevent angiotensin hormone that can cause narrowing of the arteries in the body.

The nutrient content of the tomato is a fruit that is rich in the enzyme bromelain. Enzymes that can be used to address the cause of blood coagulation, preferably in the day you eat 5 pieces of fresh tomatoes per day.

Consuming K Vitamin 
Fruits are rich in vitamin K can be used to thin the blood experiencing coagulation.Vitamin K was found in legumes. Increase consumption of foods containing K vitamin to be able to overcome the viscosity of the blood. Nuts are beans, peas, green beans and many others.

Vitamin E supplements
To overcome the viscosity of the blood you should consume a supplement that contains E vitamin. In addition, foods containing E vitamin  can also be used to thin the blood coagulate.

Aspirin is a drug that can be used for circulation . When you feel the symptoms of blood coagulation should start taking aspirin . However, if you are menstruating or about to perform surgery to avoid side effects of taking aspirin because aspirin can cause a lot of blood coming out .

Avoid Iron
So that blood does not become more severe , you should avoid taking supplements or foods that contain iron . Blood will become more viscous when we consume iron.

Warm Body
When there is cause gore because the temperature is cold, you can warm your body . Warm yourself by the fire , using a sweater or you can consume food and beverages warm . blood coagulation may not do the massage, the better you simply rub a gel that can be used to thin the blood .

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