Alzheimer 's disease is the most common type of dementia that was initially characterized by a weakening of memory , up to a brain disorder in planning , reasoning , perception , and language .
In patients with Alzheimer's , symptoms develop slowly over time . For example, beginning with the extent of forgetting about the contents of the conversation that had just dealt or forget the name of the object and place , could develop into disorientation and behavioral changes . Changes in behavior in this case as being aggressive , demanding, and easily suspicious of others . Even if Alzheimer 's disease has reached advanced stages , patients may experience hallucinations , problems in speech and language , and not able to perform activities without the help of others .
Although the exact cause of this disease is unknown, experts believe that Alzheimer's disease generally occurs due to increased production of proteins and in particular the accumulation of beta-amyloid protein in the brain that cause the death of nerve cells.
There are several factors that can increase a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, among which are age, severe head injury, family history or genetics, and lifestyle.
Alzheimer's disease prone experienced
by people who had over 65 years and as much as 16 percent experienced by those aged over 80 years.
Even so, a disease that affects more women than men can also be experienced by people aged between 40 to 65 years. It is estimated that as many as 5 percent of people with Alzheimer's occur in this age range.
Diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's patients generally live about eight to ten years after symptoms appear, but there are also some other patients who could live longer than that. Although Alzheimer's disease has no cure, various treatments available today aims to slow the progression of the condition and relieve symptoms.
Therefore immediately see a doctor if you experience changes in memory or you are worried dementia. If Alzheimer's disease can be diagnosed early, then you will have more time to do the preparation and planning for the future, and more importantly, you will get faster treatment that may help.
There is no specific test to prove someone having Alzheimer's. In diagnosing Alzheimer's disease, the doctor will ask about the problem and the symptoms experienced by patients. Medical tests may be done to ensure the conditions experienced by patients is not due to other diseases.
In addition to medication , Alzheimer's disease can also be psychologically treated through cognitive stimulation in order to improve patient retention , restore capabilities in speaking and in solving problems , and helped to live as independent as possible .
Prevention of Alzheimer's disease
Because the exact cause is unknown , it is difficult to prevent this disease with certainty. However , there are several ways you can do to maintain the health and function of the brain , including by eating healthy foods , exercising , not smoking , limiting alcohol consumption , and regularly went to the doctor with age .
Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease
At first most of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease is difficult to recognize. We may think that memory loss is a normal thing caused by age. However, when the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease through a stage further, this condition can have a significant impact for the sufferer.
The level of speed the development of Alzheimer's disease symptoms vary for each sufferer, but generally the symptoms develop slowly over several years, which is when brain cells gradually die so that the performance of the transmission of signals in the brain increasingly irritable. Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease is divided into three stages: the initial stage, intermediate stage and the final stage.
Early stage
The following are examples of symptoms in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease that could be a warning sign for you.
intermediate stage
- Forget the names of objects or places. read also : tips-to-improve-memory
- Forget what just happened or conversation that had just dealt with. read also :psychiatric-disorders-delirium
- Like getting lost, even in his own neighborhood. read also : amnesia
- Misplaced goods, such as putting dishes in the wardrobe.
- Often repeating the same question.
- The difficulty in making a detailed list of shopping or pay the bills.
- Experience mood swings, for example, of the pleasure of being sad or vice versa suddenly for no apparent reason.
- Reluctant to adapt to change.
- Reluctant to try new things.
- No longer interested in the activity that had been favored.
- Often spend a lot of time to sleep during the day.
- It's hard to make a decision.
- Easy prejudice.
- Spend more time in front of the television instead of socializing with family or friends.
In this intermediate stage, the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease preexisting increase. Usually people who have entered this stage should be given extra attention and began to help in their daily activities, for example bathing, using the toilet, dressing and eating. The following are examples of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in the intermediate stage.
The final stage
- It's hard to remember the name of a family member or friend.
- Disorientation and confusion increased, for example, the patient does not know where he was.
- Having problems in communicating.
- Mood changes occur more frequently.
- Anxiety, frustration, anxiety, and depression.
- Sometimes impaired vision.
- Disturbed sleep patterns.
- Impulsive behavior, repetitive or obsessive.
- Started having hallucinations or delusions.
At this stage, usually Alzheimer's disease patients have been very difficult to perform daily activities alone. Therefore, they need supervision and assistance overall. Examples of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease at a late stage are:
If the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in relatives or friends to rise significantly or if you yourself concerned with memory loss you feel, then immediately see your doctor.
- Memory loss that has been getting worse.
- Not being able to communicate with others.
- Not able to smile.
- Hallucinations and delusions are deteriorating, making the sufferer becomes suspicious of those around him, even violent too.
- Unable to move without assistance of others.
- Urinating or large unnoticed.
- Weight down significantly.
- No longer care about the cleanliness of himself.
- Have difficulty swallowing when eating.
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Causes of Alzheimer's Disease
Until now, the exact cause of Alzheimer's disease is not known. However, through laboratory research it was clear that the disease is destructive and deadly brain cells gradually. Experts argue that the death of brain cells that occurs as a result of beta-amyloid protein clumps and tangles the threads protein in brain cells that lead to the transfer of nutrients or other substances the brain needs to be disrupted.
There are several risk factors that experts say can affect the brain, triggering Alzheimer's disease, among which are:
In addition to these risk factors, sex also determine people's susceptibility to developing Alzheimer's disease. According to research, women are more at risk of developing the disease than men.
- Age. Alzheimer's disease prone experienced by people who had over 65 years, and as much as 16 percent experienced by those aged over 80 years. Even so, about 5 percent of Alzheimer's cases occur under the age of 65.
- Head injury. People who've suffered severe head injuries had a higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
- Genetics. According to the study, those who have a parent or sibling with Alzheimer's will be more at risk of developing the same disease. Besides less than five percent of cases of Alzheimer's disease occurs due to changes or genetic mutations.
- Suffering from Down's syndrome. Genetic disorders that cause Down's syndrome can also cause buildup of beta-amyloid protein in the brain that lead to Alzheimer's disease.
- Suffering from mild cognitive impairment. Those with cognitive impairment and memory at greater risk of Alzheimer's later.
- Poor living habits and conditions related to heart disease. According to research the factors that can increase the risk of heart disease, may also increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease, such as less foods containing fiber, smoking, lack of exercise, obese, have hypertension and high cholesterol, and diabetes.
Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed early can make people have more time to do the preparation and planning for the future, and more importantly is getting faster treatment that may help.
In diagnosing Alzheimer's disease, the doctor will ask first about the perceived symptoms the patient or the family medical history. There is no specific medical test to prove a person suffering from Alzheimer's. Examinations or tests conducted to ensure that the patient's condition is not caused by other diseases. Further tests may include:
Usually further tests to detect Alzheimer's disease was performed by specialists, such as neurologists.
- Blood tests in the laboratory. This check is performed to determine if there are other conditions besides Alzheimer's disease that causes patients experience memory loss or confusion, such as thyroid disorders.
- The medical examination nerves. This examination was conducted to determine how well the nerve function of the patient, for example by testing the balance, coordination, reflexes, the ability to hear or see, and muscle strength when getting up from sitting or walking.
- Mental and neuropsychological examination. This check is performed to determine the ability of thinking, memory and mental functions of the patient, with reference to the age and level of education.
- Scanning the brain. This examination was conducted to determine abnormalities in the brain that may be a trigger factor of Alzheimer's disease. Brain scans can be performed using magnetic resonance or called MRI scan, and also by using X-ray called a CT scan.
Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease can not be cured. The current way of handling this is just aims to relieve symptoms, slow the progression of the disease, as well as making patients can live as independent as possible.
This group of drugs that are usually prescribed by doctors for Alzheimer's disease is rivastigne, galantamine, donepezil and memantine. The fourth of these drugs can relieve the symptoms of dementia by increasing the levels and activity of chemicals in the brain.
Rivastigne, galantamine and donepezil is usually used to treat Alzheimer's disease with symptoms beginning to intermediate level. While memantine is usually prescribed for patients with intermediate stage Alzheimer's symptoms who can not take other medicines. Memantine can also be prescribed for Alzheimer's patients with symptoms who had entered the final stage.
Possible side effects of taking rivastigne, galantamine and donepezil are:
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- Muscle cramp
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Headache
While the side effects that may arise from taking memantine is:
In addition through medication, psychological treatment can also be applied to deal with Alzheimer's disease.
- Headache
- Hard to breathe
- Constipation
- Fatigue
- Impaired balance
Cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer's disease not only can be slowed with medication or psychological therapy, but also should be combined with the adoption of healthy lifestyles in the home in order to maximize results. Such as regular exercise, eating a healthy diet that is low in fat, and high in fiber and omega-3, more often socialize, engage in activities that can stimulate the mind as do crossword puzzles or read a book.
- Cognitive stimulation. This method aims to improve memory, communication skills, and the ability to solve problems.
- Relaxation therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. This method aims to reduce hallucinations, delusions, agitation, anxiety, depression experienced by people with Alzheimer's.
If you are suffering from Alzheimer's disease or have a family suffering from this disease, do these tips at home.
Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease
- Make notes about the things you want to do, and paste the note on the door, the refrigerator, near the television, or anywhere else that is easy to see.
- Set the alarm on the clock or cell phone as a reminder, or tell someone you trust about the planned activities you will do, and ask them to remind.
- Save contact relatives, friends, or people you need in the phone book and on the phone.
- Keep the key in a place that normally you remember and easily visible.
- Set date correctly on the phone, so you do not forget to start the day or when necessary to subscribe the newspaper every day.
- Attach the label on each container closed so you do not forget it, for example, in drawers or cupboards.
- Attach the handrail on stairs or bathroom to avoid falling.
- Reduce the number of mirrors for people with Alzheimer's can create confusion or even fear.
- Arrange the furniture so as not to disturb and endanger the patient motion.
Up to now there is no sure way to prevent Alzheimer's disease because the cause is unknown. But with the increasing number of information obtained from the study, it is not impossible that one day how to prevent or treat Alzheimer's can be found.
Heart disease is often associated with risk of Alzheimer's disease. If a person has a high risk of heart disease, then he was more susceptible to Alzheimer's disease. Therefore do the following steps in order to keep the heart healthy and avoid the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
Generally, people who are active socially, physically, and mentally will not be easily affected by Alzheimer's disease. Therefore do fun things that can stimulate your mind and body motion. For example, by following the path of motion, wrote a blog relaxing, reading, playing music, and playing badminton.
- Consumption of healthy foods low levels of fat and cholesterol. Increase your intake of fiber, such as fruits and vegetables.
- Stop smoking and limit alcohol consumption.
- If you suffer from stroke, diabetes, hypertension, or high cholesterol, arrange in taking the drug recommended by doctors, and undergo the advice of your doctor about a healthy lifestyle.
- If you are overweight or obese, try to lose weight safely.
- Make sure you always regularly check blood pressure, and cholesterol and sugar on a regular basis so that you are always vigilant.
- Exercise regularly at least two and a half hours each week, such as cycling or walking.
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