Cause nightmares

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Nightmare is a condition that causes a person overwhelmed by feelings of anxiety , depression , fear , even terror strong while she slept . This condition usually occurs at night and were experienced mostly children aged between 3-6 years.

Nightmare experienced by children is usually caused by things that make them worry or fear before, such as watching a movie or reading a book of scary stories.

When children experience nightmares in their sleep, usually they will wake up immediately and tell the story in the nightmare of the parents in accordance with what they remember.

Although mostly experienced by children, nightmares can also be experienced by adults, it's just not as simple cause in children. Nightmare experienced by adults can be due to several factors such as:
  • trauma
  • stress
  • The side effects of drugs such as beta-blockers, antihypertensives and antidepressants
  • Lack of sleep
  • Suffer from sleep disorders
  • Suffering from psychological disorders, such as anxiety disorders.
Diagnosis nightmare
Nightmares usually rare every day. Impact nightmare only on the quality of sleep and not physically harmful. Even so, the nightmare could also be something disturbing when someone is experiencing almost every day. Lack of hours of sleep and the quality is declining, will gradually have an impact on one's health. Therefore see a doctor if it happens to you.
To find out if a nightmare that you often experience sleep disorders associated with the disease, doctors will usually suggest a diagnosis method called polysomnography or the sleep recording activity.

These checks require you to spend the night. In addition will monitor your sleep through the camera, the doctor will also perform tests by placing a sensor on the head and other parts of your body. Installation of this sensor allows the physician to know:
  • Rhythm or heartbeat
  • The oxygen level in the blood
  • The roar of breath
  • Brainwaves
  • Eye and leg movements
Data obtained from these tests will help your doctor determine if you are having trouble sleeping and type.

Handling nightmares in children
If your child is having nightmares, try to calm him down and make him as comfortable as possible. Pandu children to do simple therapy, namely to draw a deep breath, keep him calm.

Once the situation is under control, ask your child retell what is seen in the nightmare it and give the sense that it is not real and will not be able to hurt him. If necessary, entertain your child with a retelling of a nightmare and give ending (ending) a happy story (re-creation). That way the child will believe in his dream creatures are not evil creatures.

Another alternative is to ask your child to draw a creature that is in the bad dream on a piece of paper and then "spoke" in order not to bother him again.

So that your child can go back to sleep in peace and comfort after mitigation measures you take, you can leave the room in a state of light and the door opened. Kids If you still feel afraid, you can accompany him to sleep.

Handling of nightmares in adults
Treatment of nightmares in adults is required if these conditions have been detrimental to health as well as your daily activities.

If the nightmare disorder caused by psychological problems, such as anxiety and stress disorders, doctors will usually suggest counseling or help you through the techniques of stress relief. Similar to the handling of nightmares caused by trauma, the doctor will usually suggest therapeutic imagery or imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT), which aims to reduce the frequency of nightmares. In this therapy, the patient will be reminded of the nightmare in the waking state and given the ending fun in the dream. Then the patient would be advised to repeat the story in his mind.

If the nightmare disorder caused by the side effects of a treatment drug that was you live (eg beta blocker drugs, antihypertensives and antidepressants), should consult to physicians who prescribe it back to be given an alternative solution.

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