Diverticulitis , recognize the symptoms and how to overcome them

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Diverticulitis , recognize the symptoms and how to overcome them
Diverticulitis is a condition in which pouches in the colon ( large intestine ) becomes inflamed or infected. The formation of bags or small bumps on the intestinal wall itself is a disorder that is commonly called diverticula .

Diverticula formation that occurs in the colon wall is known as diverticulosis . Until now , not yet known what the main cause of diverticulosis . But experts suspect that a diet low in fiber trigger.
Diverticula generally experienced by a person aged 40 years and over, because they are already weakened colon. Diverticula are more common in European countries and North America than in Asia and Africa. Men and women have the same risk of developing diverticulosis.

symptoms of diverticulitis
A symptom is something that is felt and told by the patient. Diverticulitis has some symptoms that can last from several hours to several days. The symptoms of diverticulitis are:
  • Pain, sensitive, or cramping in the abdomen, lower abdomen and the left generally more pronounced when the body is moved.
  • Fever chills.
  • The sensation of bloating or stomach was filled with gas.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Nausea and sometimes vomiting.
  • Loss of appetite.
Causes and Risk Factors Diverticulitis
Diverticulitis exact cause is still unknown. There are allegations that the growth of bacteria in pockets in the bowel wall (diverticula), can lead to inflammation or infection.

Low-fiber diet is thought to be the cause of the formation of diverticula because without fiber, the colon has to work harder to push the food. Colonic pressure when pushing the food can cause the formation of pouches at weak points along the wall of the colon.

Some things that increase a person's risk of diverticulitis are:
  • Genetic factors. There are family members who suffer from diverticulosis.
  • Age. The older a person, the risk of diverticulitis also higher.
  • Drugs. Are taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or aspirin will increase the risk of diverticulitis.
  • Obesity.
  • Diet. On a diet low in fiber and high in animal fat.
  • Smoke.
  • Lack of exercise.
diagnosis Diverticulitis
Diagnosis is a step the doctor to identify the disease or condition that explains the symptoms and signs experienced by the patient. Testing is usually done physicians to diagnose diverticulitis are:
  • Physical examination. The doctor will check the patient's abdomen location of inflammation in the abdominal cavity is usually pain when the abdomen is pressed.
  • Blood test, to determine whether there is an infection or bleeding in the colon of the patient.
  • Pregnancy test, to ensure that the patients experienced abdominal pain not caused by pregnancy.
  • Urine analysis test, will indicate whether patients have a urinary tract infection.
  • Imaging test. Patients will undergo imaging procedures X-ray or CT scan of the abdomen.
  • Liver function test, to test whether patients with impaired liver.
  • Digital rectal examination, to see if there is a lump in the bottom of the pelvis.
  • Sigmodoskopi or colonoscopy, the doctor will be advised if symptoms are inclined to bleeding from the intestine of the patient.
  • Occult blood test stool samples. To check whether there appears to be blood in the stool of patients.
Diverticulitis treatment
Handling of diverticulitis usually depends on the severity of the patient pathway diverticulitis. For mild diverticulitis, the patient will only be prescribed antibiotics, painkillers, as well as a diet high in liquid but low in fiber. This step is done until the pain is gone.

If the pathway to the patient is or has been complicated acute diverticulitis, the patient needs to be hospitalized in the hospital. Several types of treatment for patients with acute diverticulitis is:
  • Intravenous antibiotics, usually given to treat an infection that causes pain.
  • Sucking intestinal contents so that the stomach remains empty, if the patient experienced vomiting or abdominal swelling.
  • Surgery to remove part of the infected intestine. Do in case of complications, experiencing recurrent diverticulitis, there are disorders of the immune system of the patient.
  • Resting intestines, to address a clogged colon. The trick to not leave anything but fluids and nutrients intravenously to patients.
Complications and Prevention Diverticulitis
There are several complications that can be experienced by patients with acute diverticulitis, namely:
  • Peritonitis, which may arise due to the outbreak of the infected intestine bag and its contents spilled into the abdominal cavity.
  • The emergence of an abscess in the intestinal cavity when pus collects in a sac of the colon (diverticula).
  • Blockage of the colon or small intestine, due to the emergence of scar tissue.
  • The emergence of abnormal channel (fistula) between parts of the intestine or between the intestine to the bladder.
  • Disorders of urination. inflame intestinal diverticulitis causes that come into contact with the bladder. This is leading to pain during urination, frequency of urination is more frequent, and the inclusion of air in the urine.
Meanwhile, to prevent diverticulitis, a person can do the following:
  • Consume plenty of fluids.
  • Increase consumption of foods high in fiber but low in fat or red meat.
  • Exercise routine.

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