Characteristics of blood sugar in the body less

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blood sugar in the body less

Overview of the blood sugar

Blood sugar is one of the essential substance that humans need to be more energy in performing daily activities. Blood sugar is generally in the form of sugar that consists of carbohydrates, protein and fat types. The sugar is distributed via the bloodstream to become energy for the human body.

The process of formation of blood sugar
When you eat food, your digestive system converts carbohydrates, proteins and fats from food into sugar molecules that are varied, one glucose. The glucose directly into the bloodstream from the gut after food is digested. Glucose can enter the cells of the human body if blood flow you also have insulin. Without insulin, your blood cells are being starved.

After you eat food, the blood sugar concentration increases, the pancreas automatically releases insulin so that the glucose to enter the cells. When the cells continue get glucose, the blood sugar level back to normal. Excess blood sugar is stored as glycogen in the liver and muscles.

Normal blood sugar levels
Normal blood sugar levels varied for one's intake capacity is different in hours limited hours. For example, before eating, normal blood sugar level is 70-110 mg depending on the volume consuming After a meal, blood sugar levels to normal is 100-150 mg.

Problems in blood sugar
Someone who eat irregularly, does not pay attention to nutrition from their food, are in the process of dieting or are in the process of fattening bodies tend to have problems in blood sugar, blood sugar either too high or too low. High blood sugar enough to disturb your daily activities because you are limited to certain foods such as carbohydrates, prohibited from consuming sugar and forbidden to consume snacks. In this article, we will focus on the symptoms of low blood sugar.

Symptoms of low blood sugar
Low blood sugar, or commonly known as hypoglycaemia is a condition in which the human body has a volume of glucose below normal (usually less than 70mg). Low blood sugar can cause a variety of problems and complications, therefore it is very important to know the symptoms of the symptoms that appear when you have low blood sugar, what are the symptoms?
  • Tingling in the lips
  • shaking hands
  • The face becomes pale
  • Excessive sweating
  • The heart was beating faster and faster
  • Often experience anxiety
  • Headache rear
  • Fatigue
  • Nightmare
  • Starving
  • Nausea
  • drowsiness
If you experience any of these things, it helps you quickly check the condition of your doctor. The only way to know if you have low blood sugar is through a glucose test. Tips tips to deal with low blood sugar will be discussed later.

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Causes of low blood sugar
Some of the following are considered as the main cause your blood sugar shortage:

Actually it is not a disease that causes the symptoms of diabetes blood sugar is low, but if you have diabetes and use too much insulin, it is likely you will have a low blood sugar disorders.

Physical activity is too heavy
If you do heavy physical activity without balanced with food intake and adequate rest, your body will spend a lot of blood sugar.

Some treatments such as the use of quinine in the treatment of malaria may cause you to have low blood sugar levels.

Too much consumption of alcohol
Too much alcohol without sufficient food consumption can reduce the ability of the liver to produce glycogen.

Some diseases such as hepatitis and renal disorders can cause your blood sugar is low. If the kidneys and the liver is not working properly, it is difficult for your body to produce glycogen.

Excessive insulin production
Diseases such as tumors can cause your body to produce insulin to excess or consume excessive glucose because the tumor is the deposition of fat and glucose that your blood sugar becomes low.

Endocrine system disorders
Pituitary and adrenal gland disorders can result in lower production of hormones that are closely related to glucose, causing blood sugar to be low.

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Tips to improve blood sugar levels and how to prevent low blood sugar

You can increase the low blood sugar by consuming foods with high sugar and carbohydrates, such as raisins, soda, honey, low-fat milk, jelly candy. To prevent your blood sugar is low, you need to consume enough carbohydrates and sugars, not excessive but also shortcomings. Additionally, you can reduce alcohol consumption may reduce the ability of the liver to produce glucose, and one of the most important is adequate rest after strenuous activity.

In addition to the natural way with the consumption of foods that contain lots of carbohydrates and sugars as mentioned above, there were also ways to improve blood sugar levels are medically with the consumption of glucagon. Hormone that stimulates your liver to produce glucose.

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