Stamina is also known by the immune system is the force or energy needed by the body for a relatively long time. Stamina could also be described as the ability possessed by the body to perform various types of activities within a certain time frame. The reduced stamina will usually be followed by various types of diseases that settle in the body. The lower a person's stamina will also lower the quality of life. For that, you need to do some of the following methods to increase your stamina. Increased stamina is certainly will be followed with a better quality of life and also increase the body's way of working in the move. Here are some ways you can do to increase stamina:
Set the pattern of food intake
There are two methods that you can apply to increase your stamina through the pattern of food intake, namely:
- Set the pattern of food intake Healthy and Balanced
- Meet the Needs of Body Fluids
Ar white Drink 8 glasses of water per day gradually to meet the needs of body fluids. If you want to perform activities that are relatively heavy, or was about to do sufficient exercise draining, then you can consume isotonic drink rich in electrolytes so the amount of fluid in the body is maintained. If you want to consume energy drinks, then try to consume beverages low in caffeine content.
Develop Physical Endurance
To improve stamina, one of the efforts that you can do is to do a physical activity that is able to develop physical endurance. There are four methods that you can employ to develop your physical endurance, among them:
- Doing Physical Exercise
Some types of exercise that trains the cardiovascular system such as aerobics, running, cycling, and dancing is a type of exercise that will train the heart and also your lungs. The process also will provide a sufficient supply of oxygen to the muscles. As a result, endurance and stamina will increase gradually. In addition, some types of exercise such as push ups, sit ups, and so will help your body to get used to build strength. The process will build muscular endurance gradually.
- Selecting a Preferred Activities
- Living a Life Actively
- Involving Partners in Activities Undertaken
Set the rest pattern for the Body
The above has been explained about the importance of an active in conducting various activities, one of them with regular exercise. Although exercise is very important, but you also should not ignore the rest. As with any busy activities you do, rest is an absolute thing that you should do every day.Enough sleep at night that is for 6 to 8 hours per day will help restore stamina which has been depleted due to activity during the day and also can prevent a variety of diseases aibat from lack of sleep. Moreover, getting enough sleep at night will help the system metabolism in the liver. Night's sleep will also help cell regeneration system. The cells of the body that have been damaged and can not function properly will be replaced by new cells when we sleep. Therefore, you should never ignore the break. Sleep is pretty and always try your mind in a relaxed state when sleep so that your sleep quality also remains.
Developing Sexual Endurance
Increases stamina can also be done through the development of sexual endurance. Increase sexual stamina at the same time will increase endurance. Quality of sexual relationship not only affects the immune system is good, but at the same time improve the quality of mental become more qualified.Improving Mental Endurance
How to further improve stamina is to increase mental endurance. To improve mental endurance, you can perform the following steps.
- visualizing Interest
- Divide your problem into Small Parts
- Build Ability to Stay Focused
Of the various explanations of the above can be concluded about measures that can be done to improve stamina is through five main aspects, namely diet, exercise, rest, sexual activity, as well as mental condition.
Food Enhancer Stamina
Many people are confused about what type of intake that can increase stamina. There are several types of intake that can increase stamina, among them:
Bananas are rich in fiber and natural sweetener that is fructose. The content of these nutrients will improve stamina. Bananas also contain nutrients that will provide satiety longer in the stomach so stamina will also last longer.
Peanut butter
Peanut butter contains healthy fatty acids that are good for health. Fatty acid content was also very good good heart health as well as able to increase endurance.
Mineral water
Mineral water will help the amount of fluid in the body remained unfulfilled. Adequate fluid will help the body work more optimally and help smoothen the process of metabolism.
Oatmeal contains high complex carbohydrates so as to maintain the stamina for longer. The content of complex carbohydrates will make feel full longer so that the body be optimized to perform various activities.
Coffee is one that contains a stimulant intake so as to effectively improve stamina. However, coffee consumption is not so advisable because coffee contains caffeine which is able to trigger the production of gastric acid.
Green vegetable
Vegetables contain lots of fiber that can increase stamina. High fiber content in green leafy vegetables are also good to keep the digestive system.
Oranges rich in vitamin C. As we know, vitamin C is very good for increasing stamina so that the body is not vulnerable to various types of diseases.
Apples contain iron in high quantities. The iron content is very good for improving the quality of hemoglobin. With increasing quality of hemoglobin, the acquisition of energy by the body is also more optimal.
Green tea
Green tea is rich in antioxidant content that is useful to prevent the negative effects of free radicals. Green tea also contains a stimulant that can provide a sense of relaxation to the body so as to prevent the onset of stress.
Cause Stamina Descending
Due to various factors, one's stamina can be decreased. Due to decreased stamina, a person will feel tired, lethargic, and less enthusiastic in carrying out various activities although activities undertaken relatively mild. As for some of the factors that can trigger a decline in a person's stamina is:
- Less Exercise
- Eating Unhealthy
For those of you who go on a diet in the wrong way is also very vulnerable to decreased stamina. For example, when you are short of consuming foods that contain calories then the same thing you are forcing the body to work without fuel. Controlled calorie intake is very important to maintain a healthy body that can still move to the optimum. Therefore, calorie needs in accordance with the recommended amount.
- Smoke
- Contaminated air
- Sitting Too Long
- Lack of sleep
- Too Much Protein Intake
- stress
- Consuming Too Many Antibiotics
- Always Use Vehicle While Traveling
How To Maintain Stamina order No Descending
If your stamina has increased through various methods above, then the next step is to perform several methods to maintain the stamina to not downhill. Some of the methods that you can do is:
Those are some methods that you can do to improve stamina at the same time a few steps you can take to maintain the stamina to not be easily decreased . Increases stamina was not only focused on physical health , but also to be balanced with mental health . Stamina is very important because the current is maintained whether or not the activity in which we live every day is very dependent on stamina possessed by our body . Stamina will determine whether or not strong our bodies to do various things . Therefore, keep physical and mental health to improve and maintain stamina .
- Increase physical exercise time each day
- Relaxation to reduce the risk of stress
- Routine exercise every day
- Conducting a positive and likeable
- Consuming vegetables and fruits every day
- Meditation and breathing techniques every day to enhance relaxation
- Inadequate needs a break, both cognitively and physically, to prevent fatigue do interchangeably
- Positive thinking in the face of all issues in order to avoid the emergence of stress
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