Increased blood sugar is there a culprit emergence of diabetes is a disease caused by organ pancreas unable to produce hormones that regulate and control sugar levels in the blood.
Disease, elevated blood sugar can trigger the emergence of other health complaints were also troubling including heart disease, impotence problems in men aged prodsuktif, stroke and blindness threat. Here is how to prevent high blood sugar rise that you can do:
Checking Yourself to the Doctor
There is no harm if every six months once we check blood sugar levels are linked to a doctor, so that we can anticipate right if you know the blood sugar level was increased or remained stable.
Maintain Ideal Weight
Jaln maintaining weight is the easiest to keep blood sugar stable so that always is by doing a healthy and balanced diet. To diet should first consult a nutritionist Aatu health authorities who know about a healthy diet.
active Exercising
Doing sport not necessarily every day 2 times a week is enough as long as it is done regularly and consistently, a sport that can be selected is walk fast, go jogging, cycling at a moderate pace, running in place with rope or others. exercise can accelerate the process of burning fat and sugar in the blood pengurangna to be wasted through urine and sweat.
Reducing food Sweet And Fatty
Reduce foods that taste sweet and greasy very well to maintain the balance of blood sugar levels. choose foods that contain natural sugars that do not affect blood sugar levels such as vegetables and fruits. Avoid white rice contains a lot of sugar, replace it with another more healthy carbohydrates eg wheat, brown rice, oats, cereals, potatoes, corn and so on.
Here is a fig reduce or avoid the sweet taste that blood sugar is not high:
- For those who like sweet foods should replace sugar with sugar cane that is safe for your blood sugar balancing like using palm sugar or corn sugar.
- If made fruit juices do not need to add sugar.
- Cooking vegetables, manufacture of pastries and baking bread in any form make it a habit to use a blend of palm sugar or corn sugar for anyone who memakana tidsak threatened increase in blood sugar.
- Atu cream milk condensed milk contains a lot of sugar, to use no more add honey or sugar apasir that only worsens the quality of the milk itself kesehatn. Protein and calcium in it will not be good anymore either body when sugar levels more.
avoid Smoking
Never have to smoke, just by sucking the smoke generated from the active smoker you are providing pollution free radicals in the organs in your body. This condition can inhibit the action of sugar-regulating hormone to be excess sugar in the bloodstream.
Avoid Alcoholic Beverages
Wherever possible avoid alcohol in any amount because alcohol can bind to the sugars in the body to clot and block blood flow . if the flow is inhibited the pancreatic organ and no longer able to produce the hormone regulating blood sugar levels :
Risk Factors or Cause High Blood Sugar
Following are the causes of high blood sugar :
If there is one parent or even both suffer from diabetes it is certain that the offspring will inherit the disease 6 x more dangerous than someone who does not have diabetes lineage .
When pregnant mothers typically will experience a surge in appetite and tend to like foods that contain sugar or sweet sweet , this condition can make the weight increase and cause blood sugar to rise.
Smoking habit
Toxins contained in cigarette smoke can cause disruption of the existing amount of natural insulin in the body, while the nicotine and tar in cigarettes can inhibit oxygen into the arteries to the heart and bind to the sugars in the body into a clot in the blood. This blockage can lead to a rise in blood sugar throughout karen atidak mammpumenyebar normal blood.
Food and Drink Sweet
The penchant to consume food or drinks that contain too much sugar can trigger blood sugar is increased and when someone mals to berolaharaga the sugar is unable to clot is broken down by the pancreas because no sugar-regulating hormone active. The amount of sugar in the body can interfere. obstruct, impede and disable the sugar-regulating hormone levels, so the accumulation of sugar blood can not be avoided.
Alcoholic beverages
Alcohol is hot and can hurt the stomach wall and capable of binding nutriusi present in the digestive so that can not spread to the entire network as well as sugar excessive alcohol location within the body can be controlled in order to remain clump or clog crystallization and than blood vessels or the flow darh that cause an increase in sugar regularly but surely.
A body that has excess body weight, and none can increase blood sugar levels due to the
accumulation of fat in the body is able to inhibit and block the road rate blood sugar throughout the body. blocked blood flow and blood sugar deploy can not normally then cause a buildup of sugar can cause diabetes.
Common Symptoms of High Blood Sugar
The following are common symptoms of diabetes oran:
- Reduced visibility and outlook unclear
- Small or large wounds that are difficult to dry out
- Easily and frequently attacked tingling
- Almost the entire surface of the affected skin itchiness
- Too frequent urination
- Frequent and drowsiness
- Weight loss decreases
- Hungry stomach fast meras
- Body felt weak and easily tired
- Body of developing obesity
- Ingredients Herbs for Lowering High Blood Sugar
Here is an herb that can be used to lower high blood sugar and trigger the symptoms of diabetes :
Cinnamon is one of the herbs that are widely used in the manufacture of dishes yet another benefit is that can lower blood sugar levels and maintain blood sugar levels that have been balanced. The trick is as follows:
- Take a few pieces of cinnamon and boil until boiling and remove its fragrant
- Refrigerate stew cinnamon and strain until the water tidk mixed with a variety of objects that coarse particles again.
- If possible or like can be added with lemon juice and honey to taste, and drink every day the other, time.
Boiled eggs
Eggs contain vitamins, protein and omega 3 which is good for the health of the pancreas, which pancreas will always be healthy and can improve performance in the pancreas produces a hormone regulating blood sugar levels. The trick is:
- Take two medium-size eggs then boil until completely cooked through
- Eggs that have been cooked can be eaten but if you like you can also remove the skin and cut into 2 layers, then rub lemon juice on top, then eat. (Read: Danger eggs for diabetics)
Garlic does have a pungent smell and taste bitter, and many people do not like it, but the garlic is very effective in reduction sugar levels in the body and can prevent blood sugar does not rise. Garlic has anti-inflammatory, anti iflamasi strong, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, naturally antobiotik to launch vessels and blood flow from bacteria or from clogging due to accumulation of sugar in the bloodstream.
The use of Apple VinegarFood was smeared or droplets Dibei cider vinegar can improve the smoothness of the pancreas produce hormones in regulating blood sugar levels. Apple cider vinegar has the ability to block the buildup of excess sugar levels in the body can act as apple vinegar burning for berebih sugar in the body which is ultimately to be destroyed later secepatbnya discharged through urine and sweat.
Use of AlmondsDiligent consume almonds least 3 times a week as snack mandatory in order to condition the body free from an increase in blood sugar. Almonds have good nutrition is high in fiber, magnesium strong and rich in protein that can nourish the pancreas. chromium almonds have substances that have the ability to maintain the balance of blood sugar levels.
Use of AvocadosAvocados have many best nutrients such as Vitamin E, unsaturated fats and fiber that is good for the health of the pancreas is an organ that plays a major role daalaam formation of hormones controlling blood sugar levels are still many people who think that the juice Avocados have a high fat that can affect a person's weight , in fact fat including polyunsaturated fat to maintain the balance of blood sugar levels.
High content of vitaminn E acts as an antioxidant active that repair damaged collagen tissue and reduce the risk of diabetes in a person's sugar content increases. Consuming old avocado is very good for the prevention of diabetes and if it is to be combined with honey, vinegar and apple juice in the manufacture of the dual efficacy in preventing an increase in blood sugar levels will be quickly met.
That's all kinds of ways to prevent high blood sugar that can be done by diabetic patients or people who do not want affected by diabetes. Preventing certainly better than the cure.
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