Types of food cause drowsiness

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types of food cause drowsiness

Did you know the effect of food on the drowsiness ?

If there are foods that will make you feel at home literacy alias spirit continues and prevents drowsiness, then there are also foods that can trigger drowsiness. If you have a timetable or an important event, it should be foods that can cause drowsiness is to be avoided. But if you want a quick rest and sleepy, some of these foods would be helpful so that you can quickly sleep soundly, namely:

1. White Rice
Certainly much has been significantly had the name sleepy after eating white rice, especially if eaten with a portion of a lot. The glycemic index of white rice in a fairly high so that when eating too much or too often will make you sleepy at once. If you were going to come to an important event that requires a heightened focus, should not eat too much rice.

But when night, to make yourself drowsy, dinner with rice and side dishes should not be missed. When you're full and free in a state of not doing anything, then you'll get sleepy quickly. Only, wait 2 hours before you actually be lying in bed as if sleeping immediately after a meal, the stomach acid will rise. We recommend that you choose a fruit or seeds if you want a snack before bedtime.

2. Tuna
As one type of seafood, tuna fish is very useful in improving or maintaining the health of the body and prevent it from a variety of serious diseases. Moreover, the fact stated that tuna is the seafood that is capable of making quick consumer drowsy and fell asleep easily. The food is super healthy this one contains vitamin B6, which is high. As vitamin B6 eventual production of melatonin and serotonin in the body can be increased so that in a short time, drowsiness will be created and you will be hard to hold. Therefore, eating tuna at night is the right choice.

3. Bananas
Most people say that when physically exhausted, sleep will be faster because fatigue can make the eye more weight. If you want to quickly feel sleepy, eat a banana and you'll be sleepy at once. This is because the fruit contains magnesium and potassium which can make nerve and muscle quieter. B6 is in bananas will also make tryptophan turns into serotonin so tense body will become more relaxed.

4. Salad
By hearing the name of this food, this food is known immediately classified as healthy foods. But according to a nutritionist, when you eat a salad at the wrong time, the drowsiness that will arise. As already known that salad is a diet consisting of vegetables such as tomatoes, shaved carrots, pieces of lettuce and other fresh vegetables.

The calories contained in a salad bowl is only about 200 calories, so do not be surprised if you will quickly feel hungry and even easy to feel sleepy. In eating salad, usually one can add raspberry vinaigrette or honey mustard as the sauce which will create a sense of sleepiness becomes greater. In order not to feel sleepy after eating a salad, add protein to the salad with chicken meat and complex carbohydrates so that you can burn energy.

5. Almonds
Almond is one of the healthy snacks that have a lot of good content for the body so that it can be used to maintain health. In the almonds, tryptophan and magnesium content is quite high and the second this substance is instrumental in making the nerve and muscle function is reduced so automatically you will feel very relaxed and slowly will appear drowsiness. The reason why the sleepiness easily appear after eating almonds is that both of these substances will stabilize heart rhythm. Eating a handful of almonds alone was able to provide sedation, then eat at night as a healthy snack before going to bed.

6. Nuts Walnuts
Apparently that was instrumental in making drowsiness arise not only almonds, walnuts also serves as almonds. Nuts are a very appropriate snack to be consumed at night before bed. Usually people have a habit of snacking at night so I could go to bed if full. Instead of choosing unhealthy snacks like junk food, walnuts can be eaten.

In addition to making your stomach fills up, you'll be able to rest better because it will be faster sleepy. The content of melatonin in walnuts that make your eyes become heavy and sleepy. In just a moment, you will fall asleep after eating walnuts as long as it is not too excessive and a normal portion. Possible benefits of almonds for healthy organ in the body is known, what with walnuts? The advantage of eating walnuts is able to maintain and even improve heart health.

7. Pretzel
Surely you know the food pretzel and perhaps even some of you like to eat it as a snack. But keep in mind that the pretzel is a food that may make you sleepy and fell asleep so you should avoid eating in the morning and during the day except holidays and you're not doing any activity. This is because the pretzels have a high glycemic index and right after taking them, there will be an increase in insulin and glucose in the body level.

When the spike insulin and blood sugar naturally, then the time normally required by you to sleep more and shortened so asleep faster. You probably would typically expect both levels stable so that changes in mood and insulin resistance can be avoided, but if you want to rest your body and mind, increase insulin and blood sugar will be very useful. Both of these conditions would be able to make tryptophan into the brain and help you sleep quickly and soundly.

Honey is one of the foods that are very useful for beauty, health, skin, and hair, and keep in mind that honey contains a high glucose levels. This glucose which makes the production of brain chemicals awake. The chemical known as orexin and the point is to make you awake, then if production is shut down automatically you will feel sleepy instantly. No need to eat a lot, even just one tablespoon of honey that you mix into your favorite food or drink, you will quickly feel sleepy. Always watch how much you eat and do not let you eat or drink too much honey. Even one tablespoon to get to sleep soundly at night included lots.

9. Wheat Bread
When the level of glucose in the blood rises, then the energy will rise. Meanwhile, when glucose levels decreased, believers do not believe you even weaker energy so that your body will feel weak and lethargic. Bread wheat is usually consumed as a breakfast menu can indeed make sugar levels go up in the morning that makes you full of energy. But the glucose intake of whole grain bread will quickly go down so that it can make you fast asleep even though time was too early. That is why you need to avoid the breakfast with wheat bread menu.

10. Cherry Fruit
Fresh cherries can certainly unimaginable and pop into your mind. However, the fruit has unexpected effects. This fruit may be small, but its effect in making consumer feel sleepy quite a surprise to some people who did not know. Substances contained in cherry fruit is melatonin which will make the body become more relaxed and make your drowsiness. Most people do not know that sleeplessness or insomnia can be overcome by eating cherry fruit before going to bed.

Besides being able to be eaten, can also be made cherry juice and cherry juice is also certainly give the same effect in making drowsy. Drink a glass alone at night will help you fall asleep very easily according to a study. The cherry juice will offer a number of health improvements that make your insomnia is greater than choosing to consume a placebo drink. So, do not hesitate to buy them and eat them at the right time, ie at night right before bed and not in the morning.

11. Cheese
Is one of the dairy products that are delicious and liked by many. The cheese has a lot of nutrients that can keep you healthy and avoid disease. Aka insomnia sleep disorder has been able to overcome by eating cheese, since cheese is usually only used to increase the weight or increase mineral intake. It is true, the content calcium that offers kindness in treating sleep disturbance alias insomnia.

Insomnia itself is known as a tough sleeping conditions where it might actually physically we were very tired but very difficult to be able to sleep despite having tried to close my eyes. Calcium content in cheese making your brain utilize tryptophan. In the end, melatonin to be produced so that you will be sleepy and do not doubt, you will quickly fall asleep without having to read or do something so that the eyes are tired.

12. Oatmeal
The food is the usual one used as a breakfast menu as well as a healthy menu for heart patients. For consumer, maybe some of you do not know that when eating oatmeal, then the production of insulin will be pushed over so automated blood sugar levels rise. Eating oatmeal makes you more drowsiness were not for that reason, but also because of high levels of substances melatoninnya so the body can be quiet so sleep becomes faster at night. For insomniacs, these foods should be tried consumed in order to treat conditions such sleep disorders.

13. Lettuce
If the salad is a meal that consists of an assortment of vegetables, try to eat the lettuce only if it does not want to eat salad. Alternatives of this salad can also be an alternative healthy snack when you are hungry at night and are reluctant to eat fatty foods such as junk food. Lettuce will provide refreshment for you because it tastes delicious and fresh. However lettuce will also help you quickly fell asleep because it gives them sleepy high enough.

Lettuce is one type of high-fiber vegetables and always be able to make the digestive system smoothly and diet help you succeed. At night before bed, if you are hungry can simply take a few pieces of lettuce to make the stomach hampered and simultaneously causing drowsiness. The content of what is in the lettuce so as to provide sedation so big? Natural substances that offer these securities is lactucarium which will make your rest at night becomes more leverage.

14. Dark Chocolate
Fun eating dark chocolate on the couch or even when you are under stress or depressed. The good news is, the type of chocolate can be eaten at any time more flexibly, whether it is day or night. If milk chocolate is known as a stimulant that will give you more energy so it does not get tired easily and precisely like literacy throughout the day, dark chocolate is the opposite.

Chocolate is referred to as the food was good at making the body and mind more relaxed and suitable for consumption for which the center is in a state of stress. In fact, dark chocolate that provides a calming effect on the mind and body for the content of serotonin in dark chocolate is high enough, then when you eat, you will feel very relaxed and fast asleep.

15. Cereals
Different from oatmeal cereal, but it will give the effect of the same magnitude in making you able to relax and eventually sleep more quickly. Cereals are generally clearly consumed in the morning as a breakfast menu, but in fact cereals contain both calcium and carbohydrates that will support you get enough sleep. All you need to know here is that a bowl of cereal is not only a breakfast menu in the morning, but any night before bed so you should eat better sleep can be obtained. This is the preferred way for people with insomnia.

16. Beans
Tryptophan is most needed to create drowsiness and relax the body and mind. Beans are one type of vegetable that can be relied upon to make drowsiness appear quickly. Dishes with the main ingredient of beans would be very helpful, especially if it is cooked for the dinner menu. Eating beans during the day is allowed as long as it is not in numbers too large and drowsiness alert when carrying out activities. Sources of tryptophan will accompany tryptophan to reach the brain. If during the day you need a short nap, eat beans is one of the solutions is safe to try.

17. Spinach
Included in the ranks of the many types of green vegetables contain nutrients, spinach is not only going to be able to help maintain your health, but its function in creating a sense of sleepiness is quite large. As is common knowledge, spinach contains high calcium levels that are not only good for the bones, but also very good in treating insomnia or sleep disturbance. Calcium in it helps the brain use tryptophan to produce melatonin. Spinach may also be cooked for dinner because of the distance breaks will not be too long, and when it is clear you will be sleepy easily so they can rest early.

18. Turkeys
Turkey is usually eaten on Thanksgiving Day abroad seems to have a good effect that can help sufferers of sleep disturbance in order to quickly drowsy and fell asleep easily. Some experts say that the turkey does not have any effect in making consumer sleepy, even if the consumer of the sleepy, it was only because of eating too much turkey meat. Full effect that the experts point out that consuming sleepy. However, other researchers explained that in Turkey there is the content that will be metabolized tryptophan and serotonin into melatonin, like tuna. Both of these substances that will be responsible for bringing you into a natural sleep faster than usual. If you want to prove it, you should eat at dinner time.

19. Passion Fruit Tea
Have you ever tried to enjoy the passion fruit tea? Or at least heard about it? A study in Australia showed that the tea is highly effective as a cure insomnia because basically consume 1 cup passion fruit tea alone will greatly relax the body and mind. When eating a cup of tea passionfruit exactly 60 minutes before going to bed, then you will be guaranteed to sleep very soundly.

The researchers believe that the content in the flowers, Harman alkaloids that high levels are triggers sleepiness arises. The substances that transmit signals in the nervous system then informs the body to become tired. Not surprisingly, after which you will quickly feel sleepy and was in dreamland.

20. Chamomile Tea
One more tea which not only will make the mind becomes calm, but also makes sleepy quickly that chamomile tea. After a day of work or after getting a lot of stress and pressure, at night you may not be able to sleep. Chamomile tea is one of the best solutions to calm the mind and body naturally without the need to take sleeping pills. According to the study, when someone drinks tea then an increase glycine. Glycine is known as the chemicals that function in the muscles and nerves become weak. This tea can also be used as a mild sedative without side effects to the body. Brew a cup of chamomile tea is enough to drive you to sleep soundly until the next morning.

21. Kale
Has been trusted by our society that spinach is a vegetable that is able to make consumer be fast asleep. Known as food can trigger a person to more easily feel sleepy, actually there is no research to explain the exact truth about the effects of the watercress. However, many suspect that this kale has a sedative chemical compounds. Many who suspect the presence of substances in kale can make consume be quieter. When a person's mind is relaxed and quiet, it would be easy for him to feel drowsy and slept soundly. However, this may not necessarily apply to everyone because to be sleepy, sedative compound content required each person's body is not the same. Therefore, it is very likely if a person after eating spinach will still look fresh.

( Read also :  the-dangers-of-sleep-evening )

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