Beware of mosquitoes causing dengue fever

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Dengue Fever

Dengue hemorrhagic fever or dengue is a disease that makes sufferers experiencing tremendous pain , as if it hurt to the bone .

DHF is caused by a virus that is transmitted through mosquito bites. It is estimated that there are one hundred million cases of dengue fever occur each year worldwide. Some of them endemic sudden and affects thousands of people in a short time.

Patients with DHF in Indonesia
Indonesia currently ranks second after Brazil DHF patients. In fact, according to data from the Ministry of Health in 2009-2011 the number of deaths due to dengue fever in Indonesia reached 1,125 cases. The data once puts Indonesia in Southeast Asia as the highest state in the case of dengue disease.

Meanwhile, according to data from the Ministry of Health of Indonesia in 2013, the number of dengue patients in all 31 provinces reached 48 905 people, including 376 fatalities. So, basically DHF is a very common disease in Indonesia.

Symptoms of dengue disease
Symptoms of dengue fever generally will be seen in three to fourteen days after the incubation period and usually begins with a high fever that can reach a temperature of 41 degrees celsius. The incubation period is the time between the virus first enters the body until the first symptoms appear.

The main cause of DHF
Causes dengue is the dengue virus and spread to humans through the bite of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. This means that dengue can not be transmitted directly from one person to another without intermediary mosquitoes. Aedes aegypti mosquitoes usually breed in populated areas is high (as in big cities) that have a moist and warm climate.

DHF diagnosis through blood tests
If you experience flu-like symptoms and fever for over a week, you should consult your doctor. Specific characteristics of the symptoms of dengue, namely high fever up to 41 degrees Celsius, headache, joint pain, muscle, and bone, until the pain behind the eyes.

Your doctor will do blood tests to see if any of dengue virus in your body.

Regarding the treatment of DHF
There are no drugs specifically to treat dengue fever, but symptoms of this disease can be treated by drinking plenty of fluids, rest and taking paracetamol. If a treatment is applied, usually DHF will recover in one to two weeks.

Complications arise
Although only occurred in a handful of cases, dengue can develop into a more serious complication, known as severe dengue. Severe dengue can cause the sufferer to experience a decrease in blood pressure or shock, organ damage, and bleeding. Therefore deliver severe dengue patients to the hospital to be addressed as soon as possible because it is feared could lead to death if handled too late.

DHF prevention measures
Although until now there is no vaccine that can ward off dengue, but some preventive measures of this disease can do, including:
  • Sterilize the house or around your home environment, for example by spraying mosquito repellent.
  • Clean the tub and sprinkled powder in order to abate mosquito larvae die.
  • Close, flip, or if necessary to remove small media other water containers in your home.
  • Installing anti-mosquito wire around your home ventilation.
  • Installing netting on the bed you sleep.
  • Wearing mosquito repellent, especially those containing N-diethylmetatoluamide (DEET), which proved effective. But do not use this product in infants who were aged under two years.
  • Wearing enough clothing to protect you from mosquito bites.
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Symptoms of Dengue Fever
The incubation period of dengue virus can last about four to seven days. The incubation period is the time between the virus first enters the body until the first symptoms appear. Symptoms of dengue fever or dengue generally look at three to fourteen days after the incubation period and usually begins with a high fever that can reach a temperature of 41 degrees celsius. Some of the symptoms of dengue fever are:
  • shivering
  • Severe headaches
  • The emergence of red spots on the skin
  • Sore throat
  • Loss of appetite
  • Abdominal pain and nausea
  • Face reddish
  • Pain in the muscles of the lower back, arms, legs up
  • Severe pain in bones and joints
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Unusual bleeding, such as bleeding gums, nosebleeds, blood in the urine
If treated promptly, these symptoms usually subside within a few weeks. After subsided, patients usually take a few weeks for a full recovery. Generally, patients with DHF will feel very tired when symptoms of the disease subside.

Time to go to the doctor
You should immediately consult your doctor if you experience flu-like symptoms or fever for more than one week.

Usually the doctor will do blood tests to find out if you are affected by dengue. In addition to detect the presence of dengue virus in your body, blood tests are also important so that the doctor can know if there are other serious health problems that can cause these symptoms.

Causes of Dengue
Dengue fever or dengue fever caused by dengue virus transmitted by mosquito species Aedes aegypti . The mosquitoes can bite at any time of the day or night. Dengue virus itself is divided into four strains or types , namely DEN 1 , DEN 2 , DEN 3 and DEN 4 .

When you are infected with one type , then after recovering , your body already formed a lifelong immunity against that type. But you have not completely safe from dengue because they potentially suffering from dengue returned by a different type. In fact, your chances of experiencing a more serious condition , such as severe dengue to be a bit higher .

Population continues to grow and increasing mobility have caused the virus is spreading widely in the different groups .

Dengue virus is generally breed in stagnant water , whether it's a puddle of water in the environment outside the home such as a reservoir or drain that did not drain , and inside the house like in a bathtub . Besides DBD usually develops in areas such as the level of bad sanitation in the cities located in densely populated developing countries like Indonesia .

Treatment of Dengue Fever
Up to now there is no vaccine or specific drug to treat dengue fever or dengue. Treatment only the range of ways to alleviate the symptoms and make the patient as comfortable as possible. If you are experiencing symptoms of dengue disease, you are advised to:
  • Get plenty of rest.
  • Increase consumption of fluids to avoid dehydration. As with diarrhea, the patient is recommended to drink the ORS. Replacement fluid electrolyte / ion and fruit juice can be selected instead of plain water.
  • Eat paracetamol to relieve symptoms of fever and pain (Do not take ibuprofen or aspirin because both drugs can trigger bleeding in patients with DHF).
  • Go to the doctor if within three to five days, there are no signs of recovery on your symptoms.
If suffering from severe dengue, you will probably need:
  • Hospitalizations
  • IV fluids
  • Monitoring blood pressure
  • Transfusions to replace blood lost
When recovering from dengue, usually your body will feel tired and do not fit, but it is reasonable. Most of the new people can recover from dengue within two weeks, although sometimes it took several more weeks to really fully healthy.

Complications Dengue
Although only occurred in a handful of cases, dengue can develop into a more serious condition and endanger lives. The condition is known as severe dengue. Here are some signs or symptoms of severe dengue:
  • The body feels tired.
  • Fever is often up and down.
  • Pain in the stomach in a sustainable manner.
  • Frequent nausea and vomiting.
  • Swelling of the liver that can be seen from outside the body and sore to the touch.
  • Blood comes out through the nose, vomiting, even through urine and feces.
Other complications are still associated with DHF is a drastic drop in blood pressure and sudden called dengue shock syndrome. Here are some symptoms:
  • The pulse is rapid and weak.
  • Mouth feels dry.
  • Skin that feels damp and cold.
  • Panting breath.
  • Frequency of urination decreased.
You should immediately consult your hospital if you feel symptoms of dengue complications. Rapid handling can prevent the disease from becoming worse. At the hospital, patients with DHF will be given IV fluids and electrolytes to stabilize blood pressure, prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalance correcting / ion.

Most patients with complications of dengue fever recover in a short time immediately after handled and are strong enough to leave the hospital after treatment a few days.

Prevention of Dengue Fever
Up to now there is no vaccine that can ward off dengue fever. Therefore, the best way to prevent dengue is to avoid mosquito bites that carry the virus . Here are the ways that we can avoid the bite of Aedes aegypti :
  • Sterilize home or environment around your home, such as by spraying mosquito repellent ( fogging ) 
  • Clean the tub and sprinkled powder in order to abate mosquito larvae die .
  • Close, flip, or if necessary to remove small media other water containers in your home .
  • Installing anti- mosquito wire around your home ventilation .
  • Installing netting on the bed you sleep .
  • Wearing mosquito repellent lotion , especially those containing N- diethylmetatoluamide ( DEET ), which proved effective . But do not use this product in infants who were aged under two years .
  • Wearing enough clothing to protect you from mosquito bites .

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