Understanding of lung cancer

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Lung Cancer

The lungs have two main functions , namely the spread of oxygen into the blood when breathed in and disposing of carbon dioxide exhaled. Lung cancer is one of the most common types of cancer that occur . Lung cancer originating from other cancer spread are called secondary lung cancer . On this page, the type of cancer that is discussed is of primary lung cancer , which is originated from the lung itself.

Lung cancer is one type of cancer , the most preventable . There are at least 80-90 percent of cases of lung cancer associated with smoking habits early stage , there are no signs or symptoms of lung cancer are unclear . But then symptoms like cough ongoing basis to experience coughing up blood , always feel out of breath , fatigue without reason , and weight loss will arise .

Lung Cancer Patients in Indonesia
In 2012, lung cancer is the most frequent type of cancer diagnosed and the cause of cancer deaths in the world.

Lung cancer is a type of cancer most often affects males Indonesia. Based on data from Globocan or the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2012, in Indonesia there are 25 322 cases of lung cancer in men and 9374 cases involving women.

Type of Lung Cancer Existing
There are two types of primary lung cancer based on the type of cell, that cell lung cancer (small-cell lung cancer / SCLC) lung cancer and non-small cell (non-small-cell lung cancer / NSCLC). Lung cancer non-small cell potentially four times more common than lung cancer small cell.

Lung cancer small cell (SCLC) usually only affects heavy smokers and spread faster than lung cancer non-small cell (NSCLC).

People at Risk of Lung Cancer
Smoking can be regarded as the main cause of lung cancer. People who are most at risk of developing lung cancer are current smokers. Approximately 80-90 percent of lung cancer associated with smoking. Even so, that does not mean every smokers lung cancer. In addition, people who do not smoke are also likely to develop cancer of the lungs, although a lower amount.

Besides cigarettes, some of the causes of lung cancer other than inhaling arsenic, radiation and air pollution. Lung cancer is also more common in people who are elderly.

read also : smoking-and-passive-smoking

Treatment of Lung Cancer
Treatment of lung cancer depends on the type of cancer . The level of spread of the cancer and the health condition of the patient also has an effect on treatment methods and treatment used .

Cancer surgery can be done if the cancer cells have not spread widely to other parts of the body . If the health condition does not allow it to do surgical removal , the other way of handling that can be applied . The process of destruction of cancer cells by radiotherapy can be executed.

Lung cancer usually does not cause symptoms before the cancer cells spread to large parts of the lungs or other body parts . Healing depends on the spread of cancer and cancer diagnosis when known. The earlier the diagnosis is made ​​, the possibility for successful treatment also becomes higher .

Symptoms of Lung Cancer
In the early stages , lung cancer does not cause any symptoms . Symptoms will only appear when the cancer development has reached a certain stage . The following are the main symptoms to be experienced by patients with lung cancer . See your doctor or go to a clinic to confirm the diagnosis of symptoms experienced .
  • Cough ongoing and getting worse , until finally experienced coughing up blood .
  • Experience shortness of breath and chest pain .
  • Experiencing fatigue without reason .
  • Swelling of the face or neck .
  • Headache.      read also : know-types-of-headaches
  • Pain in the bones , could be on the shoulder , arm or hand . 
          read also : bone-cancer-be-aware-of-symptoms
  • Body weight decreased .
  • Loss of appetite .
  • Voice becomes hoarse .
  • Difficulty swallowing or pain when swallowing something .
  • Changes to the shape of the fingers , the fingertips become convex .
Cause Lung Cancer
The main cause of lung cancer is smoking, both active smokers and in nonsmokers. But people who do not smoke nor affected by exposure to cigarette smoke may also suffer from lung cancer. Some of the causes of lung cancer will be described further below.

Smokers Active and Passive Smokers
Approximately 80-90 percent of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. So active smokers become the group's most cigarettes smoked risk.Asap contains more than 50 cancer-triggering substances that impact directly on the lung tissue. Eg nicotine used in insecticides and tar used in the manufacture of asphalt streets.

At first, this damage can be repaired by the body. But the repetition and continuation of smoking causes damage to the lung tissue continues to grow. This has resulted in damage to the cells react abnormally to finally emerge cancer cells.

Currently, more than 60 million people in Indonesia are active smokers. This number is growing from year to year. Indonesia ranks third in the countries with the highest active smokers, behind China and India.

In addition to tobacco, marijuana also contains substances that can trigger cancer. Tobacco is often mixed with marijuana. Although the quantity of tobacco mixed with marijuana less than cigarettes, marijuana smokers inhale more and longer. Impact of smoking tobacco and marijuana is much worse than a regular cigarette.

Passive smokers are people affected by exposure to cigarette smoke but do not smoke directly. Although not directly smoking, passive smokers remain at risk of developing lung cancer. Passive smokers exposed to the risk of lung cancer increased by at least 20 percent compared to people who are not exposed to cigarette smoke exposure.

read also : smoking-and-passive-smoking

Air pollution
According to WHO data, Southeast Asia is in the second position as the region contributor to air pollution in the world's poor. The risk of lung cancer increases if we are exposed to air pollution exposures example of fumes or smoke from factories. Approximately one in 100 deaths due to lung cancer caused by high levels of pollution. Inhaling exhaust fumes from vehicles and factories could have the same impact as passive smoking.

Exposure in the Workplace
Some work has possible links with increased risk of lung cancer. Employees affected by exposure to several chemical compounds that are carcinogenic, such as asbestos, nickel, coal, silica, and arsenic have a higher risk of developing lung cancer.

Radiation exposure
Radon is a part of the air we breathe. Radon is a radioactive gas that comes naturally. This gas comes from rocks and soil in very small quantities.

The radon gas can move through the soil. This gas will go into homes through foundation cracks, pipes, drains or other open pit. This gas can be tested by means of a simple test, because radon is invisible and odorless. If inhaled, radon gas can damage the lungs, especially for a smoker.

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Diagnosis of Lung Cancer
For those of you who experience symptoms of lung cancer such as ongoing cough, coughing up blood, shortness of breath, and chest pain should immediately see a doctor.

Early detection of cancer can improve the success of treatment. Here are some tests that can be performed to confirm the diagnosis of cancer.
  • Imaging tests. The first diagnosis for lung cancer usually use X-ray. Imaging X-ray of the lungs may show existing tumors. If the X-ray is suspected lung cancer, further tests need to be done to be sure. CT scans can show an abnormally small that can not be seen by X-ray. By utilizing a CT scan, clearer imaging and detail can be obtained. PET-CT scans can show the location of the cancer cells are active. Imaging is usually performed if the results of the CT scan showed that there were cancer cells at an early stage.
  • Sputum. Sputum we spend time cough can be examined in the laboratory with a microscope. Sometimes these tests can be used to see if there are cancer cells in the lungs.
  • A biopsy or tissue sampling lungs. This procedure is performed after imaging tests and shows that there are cancer cells in the chest. The doctor will take a sample of cells from the tissue in the lungs.
Stage Lung Cancer
  • Stage 1. Cancer is still in the lung and has not spread to the lymph nodes in the vicinity. Tumor size at this stage is still under 5 cm.
  • Stage 2. Tumor size of anything that has spread to other parts like the lymph nodes, chest, diaphragm, or the lining that encloses the lungs. Moreover, cancer is also classified as stage 2 if it was larger than 5 cm.
  • Stage 3. At this stage, there are cancer cells that have spread to lymph nodes that are far away from the lungs or the tumor in the lung is already very large and invade another organ near the lungs.
  • Stage 4. The cancer had already spread to the lungs or other organs side far from the lungs such as the brain and liver, or fluid containing cancer cells may have already appeared around the heart or lungs.
Treatment of Lung Cancer
Treatment and treatment for lung cancer depends on the type, size, position of the cancer, and stage of cancer. Healthy people also influential in determining the treatment that can be served.

Cancer surgery can be performed if the cancer is located on one side of the lung and has not spread. In addition, the health condition of patients with lung cancer should be checked if it is possible to do surgery. Surgical removal of the cancer will usually be followed by chemotherapy to destroy cancer cells remaining.

For cancer that has spread, only radiotherapy and / or chemotherapy that can be done. In addition, biological therapy is also available as an alternative to chemotherapy. Biological therapy aims to control and suppress the development of cancer.

Lifting Operation Lung Cancer
Surgery done to remove lung cancer and some healthy tissue around it. This is done in order to anticipate if there are cancer cells that have spread.

Wedge resection is a surgical procedure that lifts a small portion of lung tissue because the tumor that is small or if the performance lungs of patients has decreased because lobectomy surgery which he had previously.

Lobectomy is the removal of the entire lobe in one lung. Lobe is the part of the lung that has clear limits. Right lung consists of three lobes, whereas the left lung of the two lobes. In the procedure lobectomy, the entire lobe of the lung cancer is to be lifted. The lungs are still able to function with the rest of the existing lobe.

Pneumonectomy is the surgical removal procedures one side of the lung as a whole. Implementation of this procedure only if forced, such as cancer cells are in the middle of one side of the lung or has spread to all parts of the lungs.

Patients will still be able to breathe after the operations above. If a portion of the lung is removed, the rest of the network that they will expand after some time. This would make breathing gets easier. It took several weeks to fully recover from lung surgery.

As with other operations, surgical removal of the lung also may lead to complications. Examples of lung surgery complications include inflammation of the lungs, bleeding, and blood clots.

Radiotherapy uses radiation energy to kill cancer cells. Especially on postoperative conditions, this procedure can also be used to kill cancer cells that remain. If surgery is not possible, radiotherapy is done to relieve symptoms or pain and slow the rate of spread of the cancer.

Possible side effects that may occur as a result of radiotherapy is as follows:
  • Cough up sputum mixed with blood.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • Difficulty in swallowing.
  • Redness and stinging.
  • Often feel tired.
Chemotherapy treatment is done periodically within a few weeks or months, punctuated by a break to recuperate. Handling procedures taking drugs to kill cancer cells, slowing the growth of cancer cells, and inhibit the spread.

Chemotherapy is also sometimes given before surgery with the aim to make the cancer shrink and become easier to carry. In addition, chemotherapy can also be done postoperative to kill cancer cells that remain. Another function of the chemotherapy is to relieve pain and reduce symptoms of cancer.

Side effects that will arise as a result of chemotherapy include physical fatigue, nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and the emergence of ulcers of the stomach. Chemotherapy can also make the body more vulnerable to infection.

biological therapies
This treatment step is an alternative to chemotherapy. This therapy uses drugs such as erlotinib and gefitinib which serves to inhibit the growth of cancer cells. This therapy is usually recommended for those who suffer from lung cancer non-small cell that has spread so difficult to treat with radiotherapy or surgery.

Prevention of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is one type of cancer that can be prevented. Here are some ways you can do:
  • Do not smoke and avoid secondhand smoke. The main way to prevent lung cancer is to not smoke. Avoid secondhand smoke, if your neighborhood is filled with active smokers. Especially for the active smoker, stop smoking now. Despite many years of smoking, this step will still useful and can reduce the risk of developing lung cancer.
  • Healthy food menu options. Get used to eating foods low in fat and high in fiber. Fruits and vegetables should be the main menu daily. Avoid taking too many vitamins in pill or tablet form because such drugs can have side effects.
  • Exercise regularly. Try to exercise regularly. For those who rarely exercise, start the exercise gradually. For adults, it is recommended to exercise at least 2-3 hours per week.

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