Constipation is a condition not to defecate on a regular basis or not at all . If you experience it, you usually will experience certain symptoms . For example your stools become hard and dense with the size of very large or very small .
The seriousness of this disease varies in each patient . There are people who suffer from constipation for a short time , but there also could experience long-term or chronic . Long-term constipation usually causes pain and discomfort that can affect the daily routine .
Some Causes of Constipation
Constipation is a very common disease. The disease is twice as many women than men, especially during pregnancy. Constipation is also more common in the elderly.
Causes of constipation in a person can be more than one. There are several triggers that can affect it. For example, less drinking, less fiber consumption, changes in diet and habits of ignoring the urge to defecate. In addition to an unhealthy lifestyle, constipation can also be a side effect of certain drugs and mental conditions like anxiety and depression.
Whereas in children, poor diet, anxiety when using the toilet, and current problems toilet training could be the cause of constipation.
Step Treatment of Constipation
Changes in diet and lifestyle is recommended as the first treatment for treating constipation. The measures taken include:
If simple changes in diet and lifestyle can not help, you should see a doctor. After diagnosing your condition, your doctor will usually give laxatives to launch the process of defecation. These measures are generally effective, but your body takes several months to familiarize themselves with the process of defecation regularly.
- Increase consumption of fiber per day gradually.
- Drink a lot of water.
- More frequent exercise.
Laxatives are often recommended for children accompanied by changes in diet and lifestyle. Therefore, take your child to the doctor if your child has constipation that does not heal.
symptoms of Constipation
- Bleeding in the rectum .
- Prolonged fatigue . ( read also : distinguish-fatigue-with-pain )
- Weight loss for no apparent reason .
The main symptom is constipation and bowel problems are rare compared to the frequency while still in good health. You also may have to straining during bowel movements and feel the process is not complete . You can look feces dry, hard , and dense with large or very small . Other symptoms you may experience when constipation include abdominal pain and cramping , stomach bloating, nausea and loss of appetite .
Constipation is often experienced by infants and children with symptoms similar to adults. But children and infants are also often issued patches fluid in his pants because feces that accumulate in the rectum . They also tend to look weak , cranky or moody when constipated .
Consult a doctor if in addition have the symptoms of constipation , you start to experience fever , vomiting , weight loss , sores on the skin around the anus or if the blood seen during defecation .
Causes of Constipation
Constipation commonly occurs when the stool moves too slowly in the digestive system. Because many leftovers are left too long, the colon or large intestine will absorb the water more and more making the stool becomes hard and dry. The cause of this disease can be more than one factor.
Effect of Lifestyle and Psychological
There are several factors in everyday lifestyle can play a major role as a cause of constipation. Among them:
Disorders of the Colon and Rectum
- Poor diet, such as eating less fiber or drinking less. ( read also : natural-fibre-rich-foods-and-processed )
- Less active and exercise.
- Ignoring the urge to defecate.
- Pain is not freely when using the toilet.
- Lack or excess weight.
- Anxiety or depression.
Constipation is a condition that is usually mild and can be handled with ease. Although sparse, constipation can be caused by other diseases more serious.
Blockage in the rectumEffect of Other Diseases
These blockages can result in the buildup of feces and is usually caused by:
Neurological disorders around the colon and large intestine
- Rectal prolapse.
- A blockage or narrowing of the intestine.
- Cancer of the colon or rectum.
The performance of the muscles in the colon and rectum may also be affected if there is interference in the nervous system around these parts. Eg for Parkinson's disease, stroke, or injury to the spinal cord. The disruption of the nerve to the muscle that is on the walls of the digestive system, the intestinal muscles can not contract properly to push the dirt out.
It is rare, diseases that affect the hormone can also cause constipation. For example diabetes, an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), or an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).
Side Effects of Certain Drugs
If the cause is a drug, constipation will usually subside when you stop taking the drug. The types of drugs can sometimes cause constipation are:
Constipation in Infants and Children
- Calcium supplements.
- Iron supplements.
- Antacids that contain aluminum.
- Diuretics.
- Opium-containing analgesics, such as codeine and morphine.
- Antidepressants.
- Antiepileptic for the treatment of epilepsy.
- Antipsychotic for the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychiatric illnesses.
Infants and children often suffer from constipation. Several factors can cause it are:
Constipation and Pregnancy
- Poor diet, such as babies who drink too much milk or children who eat excessive portions, lack of drinking water or less fiber intake.
- Often resist the urge to defecate, for example because it is too busy playing.
- Feel depressed when toilet training, such as taught too early or because their parents are too often counseled.
- A change in routine, eg anxiety for first day of school.
- Anxiety or discomfort while using the toilet.
- Effect of other disorders, such as baby's anus and rectum is not completely formed or disturbance in the digestive system.
Constipation is often experienced by pregnant women in early pregnancy because their bodies produce more of the hormone progesterone women. Increased hormone that serves as a muscle relaxant This makes it difficult intestinal muscles contract and push the dirt out.
( read also : avoid-stress-when-pregnant )
diagnosis Constipation
At the initial examination , the doctor will ask medical history , symptoms , lifestyle , as well as your routine. Some conditions are taken into consideration when making a diagnosis is a doctor if you need to push longer than usual every time defecation, frequency of bowel movements you if less than three times a week , and textures are often hard stools or granular .
Physical examination will also be carried out to check if you experience a buildup of fecal impaction or dry, hard stools in the rectum . This examination can be carried out through the anus or by palpating the abdomen ( especially in pediatric patients ) .
But if you experience constipation symptoms are severe, your doctor may recommend some other checks to diagnose or remove the possibility of other diseases . Among them:
treatment of Constipation
- Abdominal X-rays .
- Anorectal manometry examination . This process shows the level of performance of the muscles and nerves around the rectum .
- Colonoscopy .
- CT scan.
Step constipation treatment aims to aid digestion so that sufferers can defecate teratur.Penanganan first for constipation is often recommended is improving diet and lifestyle, especially to increase fiber consumption.
Fiber is the part of food that can not be absorbed by the body that issued in the form of dirt. Numerous fiber contained in fruits, vegetables, and cereals. The adequacy of the fiber contained in food intake will affect the smooth running of the digestive system.
In addition, there are other measures to smooth the body's digestive system, among others:
Handling with Laxatives
- Increase the consumption of water.
- Increase the frequency of exercise, such as running a morning or afternoon every day.
- Do not ignore the urge to defecate.
- Try to keep your knees in a higher position than the hip at the time of defecation, for example by putting a foot on the bench.
If the measures less effective initial treatment, the doctor will usually recommend that the use of laxatives. Please note that during the use of laxatives, you or your children are encouraged to drink plenty of water. This medicine will launch the process of defecation and has some kind.
The duration of use of laxatives depending on the severity of your constipation naturally. If you have constipation as a result of drugs or other illnesses, you may have to eat laxatives for longer periods of time such as months or even years. The dosage should be reduced gradually and one by one if you use a combination of several types of laxatives.
- Osmotic laxatives. This laxative will increase the amount of fluid in the intestine that stimulates the body to soften and push the stool. The usual example given by doctors is lactulose and Macrogol.
- Forming laxatives feces. This drug will make your stools absorb liquid and becomes soft and can be removed easily. Therefore, patients should drink plenty of water when using this type of laxative. Ispaghula husk and methylcellulose are two examples of stool-forming laxatives are often given by doctors.
- Stimulant laxatives. These drugs will stimulate and help the muscles that line the digestive tract to push the stool in the large intestine to the anus. Stimulant laxatives be given if the stool remains tough it out, though it was soft. The kind that is often given is senna, bisacodyl and sodium picosulphate.
Especially for children who experience constipation severity, the doctor will usually give an osmotic laxative first before stimulant laxatives if needed.
Laxatives can also be used by pregnant women because most of the drug is not absorbed by the digestive system so it will not affect the fetus. Laxatives are safe for pregnancy is an osmotic laxative lactulose and Macrogol. If they are not effective, your doctor may recommend bisacodyl or senna (stimulant laxatives) low dose. But senna is not suitable for drinking during the third trimester of pregnancy because some of these drugs will be absorbed by the digestive system.
Constipation Treatment in Infants
Measures taken for the baby depends on whether your baby is eating solid foods or not.
Constipation in infants who have not been weaned or not eating solid foods can be treated by giving the water on the sidelines feeding schedule. If your baby is formula-fed, give the appropriate dose and does not need to be reduced. Leg movements such as riding a bike or massaging the stomach with caution might do to stimulate contractions of the intestines.
While the handling of constipation in infants already eating solid foods can be done by giving water or water mixed with fruit juice. If possible, you can also give him a fruit that have been mashed or chopped. Fruits suitable consumed by infants who experience constipation include grapes, apples, avocados, kiwi, banana, mango, strawberry and papaya.
If these dietary changes are not effective, your doctor will usually give osmotic or stimulant laxatives for constipation.
Step Treatment for fecal impaction
Faecal impaction occurs when there are hard and dry feces that accumulate and clog the rectum. Treatment for these complications is usually done by combining the osmotic laxative and purgative Macrogol high doses of stimulants.
But if your body does not react to these laxatives, the doctor will give a small enema or suppository. Enema is a liquid medicine that is injected into the colon through the anus. Docusate and sodium citrate can be given as an enema. While the capsule suppository is inserted through the anus. This drug will dissolve gradually, and then absorbed into the bloodstream. An example is bisacodyl.
Constipation rarely cause complications , unless you experience it in the long term or chronic . Some of the complications that may occur are :
prevention of Constipation
- Hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids - swollen veins in the lower rectum and anus are usually caused by straining process is too long . These blood vessels can rupture , causing bleeding .
- Fissures in the anus . Straining too long , or large hard stools can lead to fissures or tearing of the skin on the walls of the anus .
- Faecal impaction - piled dry and hard stools in the rectum due to protracted constipation .
- Rectal prolapse - rectum falls out of its position in the body and sticking out of the anus due to prolonged straining .
There are some simple steps to avoid constipation , among others :
- Increase consumption of fiber , for example by eating vegetables, fruits , brown rice , cereals , grains , and nuts .
- Expand your fluid intake in the intestine so that the dirt is always soft .
- Reduce consumption of caffeinated beverages , soft drinks and liquor .
- Increase the frequency of exercise to at least 2-3 hours a week . Regular exercise will not only help reduce the risk of constipation , but it can prevent the occurrence of other diseases as well .
- Do not ignore the urge to defecate .
- Regulate bowel habit that can be done freely and comfortably .
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