what it Meningioma ?

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Meningiomas are tumors that arise in the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord ( meninges ) . When compared to the spinal cord , brain meningiomas are more commonly affected .

Meningiomas can be either benign , malignant , or atypical ( among others ) , but more often these tumors are benign . This type of tumor usually develops quite slowly . The majority of meningioma patients are elderly women , but men and children are also at risk to people with this type of tumor .

Long-term complications that can occur as a result of meningiomas are:
These complications can also occur after a medical procedure such as surgery and radiotherapy.

symptoms of Meningioma
A symptom is something that is felt and told by the patient. The main symptoms are generally perceived by patients with meningioma were:
  • His arms and legs felt weak.
  • Convulsions.
  • Impaired sense of smell.
  • Numb.
  • Headache worsened.
  • Impaired vision.
  • Hearing disorders.
  • Memory loss.
  • Speech disorders.
These symptoms usually occur one after the other. But consult with your doctor if you experience seizures and visual impairments suddenly, or memory loss.

Causes and Risk Factors Meningioma
Until now, it is unclear the exact cause of meningiomas. But there are some things that can increase the risk of someone having meningioma, namely:
  • The radiation exposure to the head, which can be affected when a person undergoing radiation therapy.
  • Female hormones. Because meningioma suffered by women, some doctors believe that female hormones may increase the risk of meningioma.
  • Defects derivative of the nervous system such as Neurofibromatosis type 2, can increase the risk of meningioma.
diagnosis Meningioma
Diagnosis is a step the doctor to identify the disease or condition that explains the symptoms and signs experienced by the patient. To diagnose meningioma, the doctor will do some imaging tests such as CT head scan and MRI.

In addition to imaging tests, tumor or biopsy sampling is sometimes carried doctors and surgeons. Objective tumor sampling is to examine whether tumor that affects the kind of benign or malignant.

treatment of Meningiomas
Treatment that will be undertaken by people with meningioma will be adjusted by several factors such as:
  • The size and position of meningioma.
  • The level of tumor aggressiveness.
Meningioma patients are not always immediately undergo treatment. If a meningioma is small and does not cause any symptoms, the doctor will usually only recommend imaging tests regularly to monitor the development of meningioma.

However, there are some ways that are usually chosen physician, if he decides to deal with meningioma namely:
  • Surgery. If the tumor enlarges, doctors will perform surgery to remove the entire meningioma.
  • Radiation therapy. If meningioma can not be removed completely, the doctor will recommend radiation therapy after surgery. The goal, to eliminate residual tumor cells and reduce the risk of meningioma reappear.
  • Drugs. For people with recurrent meningioma and meningioma that can not be dealt with by surgery and radiation, the doctor will recommend drug therapy. But until now, the drugs really work to heal meningioma continues researched and tested.

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