know more phobias

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A phobia is an excessive fear of objects or situations . Excessive fear is not an uncommon cause of depression , anxiety and severe panic .

Based on the types of fears, phobias divided into two . The first phobias are specific phobias . Specific phobia typically begins to develop since childhood or adolescence . Examples of specific phobia is a phobia of the environment ( water depth or altitude ) , phobias towards animals ( snakes , caterpillars , or spider ) , a phobia about the situation ( to the doctor ) , phobias sexuality ( fear of contracting sexually transmitted diseases ) , and phobias physically ( fear of needles or blood ) .

The second type of phobia is a phobia complex. This type of phobia generally develops in adulthood. One example is a complex phobia social phobia. People suffering from this phobia will feel anxious when in a social environment. They fear the humiliation of others or embarrass himself if misspoke. Of course it would be very disturbing daily life of patients, including its impact in the world of business, jobs, relationships, and inhibition of self-development.

More complex types of phobias are afraid of the places where they feel trapped or scared to leave the house for fear of crowded circumstances. These symptoms will worsen when they attacked a panic. Because it is usually the patient will avoid situations, such as traveling by public transport or in public places (restaurants, markets or supermarkets). The term phobia such as this is also known as agoraphobia.

In addition to psychological symptoms such as fear, phobias can also affect the physical conditions. Some examples of physical symptoms as a result of phobias, among others:
  • Disorientation or confusion
  • Dizziness and headaches
  • Nausea
  • Chest tightness and pain
  • Hard to breathe
  • The heart rate increases
  • Shivering and sweating
  • ringing in the ears
  • Sensation want to always urinate
  • Dry mouth
The cause of the phobia
Until now the cause of the phobia is not known clearly. Even so, there are several factors which allegedly can cause this condition, including:
  • A traumatic event. There are a few examples of events that can cause a person to experience trauma and eventually trigger a phobia, such as experience attacked animals or insects, experience trapped in an enclosed space or lift, the experience of being in the middle of the brawl or riot, experience hostility, or gets the rejection of others.
  • High temperament. Someone who is overly sensitive personality, always thinking negatively, and very shy to be more prone to phobias.
  • Had parents with phobias. Pointed out that the phobia is a condition that can be inherited. If there are family members who have a phobia of certain situations or objects, then your risk is also high phobia.
diagnosis phobia
It is advisable to see your doctor if your fear has had an impact on happiness in life and interfere with daily activities. Usually these cases related to complex phobias.

To diagnose whether the patient experience social phobia, your doctor may ask the patient whether she was terrified when I had to attend social events, communicate with other people, or speaking in public. The doctor will also ask whether the six months to the patient's worry about other people judging him negatively, feeling embarrassed when interacting with others, or patients feel anxious while in the middle of the social environment. When almost all the responses to these questions ever experienced patients, then we can be sure the patient is experiencing social phobia.

Similarly, in methods of diagnosis agoraphobia, the doctor will ask whether the patient is anxious when he was out or away from home, being in a crowd or open space (eg parks), and anxiety while doing the queue. For the opposite case, the patient will be asked whether he was afraid to be home alone or being in a cramped space enclosed (eg elevator). In addition, the doctor will ask whether during the previous six months the patients concerned have an attack of anxiety that often avoid such situations. If almost all the answers are positive, then most likely the patient experiencing agoraphobia.

For the case of specific phobias usually people rarely go to the doctor because most of them aware of any object they fear, and tried to avoid it. Therefore, this condition is rarely interfere with daily activities of patients.

treatment of phobias
Phobias can be treated in two ways, namely through therapy and medication. This type of therapy is generally applied to the case of phobias is cognitive behavioral therapy combined with exposure therapy or desensitization. In this combination therapy the patient's fear of an object or situation will be reduced gradually by increasing the frequency of exposure to the object or the situation gradually.

Examples of cases in patients who are afraid of spiders. As a first step, the patient will be asked doctors to read materials about spiders. Then the patient will also be shown some pictures of the insect. If at this stage the patient has been accustomed to, then the next doctor will raise the level of exposure by bringing the patient to visit the museum and see a direct insects spider up close. If at this stage the patient managed to overcome his fear, then at the height of the therapy, the patient will be invited physicians hold the spider directly.

Combination therapy is often applied by doctors to treat phobias than other methods, for example-drugs, because the result is very effective.

Handling phobia with drugs
Medicines are given usually aims to help the patient calm down and control the fear and panic of an object or situation that is feared. One drug commonly given by doctors in the case of a phobia is a type of antidepressant drug inhibitors of serotonin (SSRI). These drugs work by affecting the transmitter in the brain called serotonin. Serotonin plays a role in creating and regulating mood.

These types of drugs other phobias are inhibitors of beta. This drug is often used in the short term because it effectively reduces the fear in certain situations. An example is the use of drugs shortly before the event takes place by a singer who suffered severe stage fright. Beta blocker drugs work by inhibiting the reactions arising from the stimulation of adrenaline from anxiety, such as voice and body shaking, heart palpitations and increased blood pressure.

Besides antidepressants and beta-blockers, other drugs that can be used to treat phobias is the class of benzodiazepines or sedative. These drugs work by reducing anxiety and help people feel relaxed or relaxed. However, it is important to obey the instructions of the doctors in the use benzodiapezine because these drugs could potentially lead to dependence on the wearer.

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