Understanding of colitis and treatment method

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Bowel Symptoms
Inflammatory bowel disease is a condition that causes intestinal inflammation . Inflammatory bowel disease itself is divided into two , namely ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease . Both of these conditions caused by chronic inflammation in the gastrointestinal ( digestive system ) . This condition arises because erroneous reaction of the immune system against normal tissue and healthy digestion .

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammation that is limited to the large intestine or colon only. While Crohn 's disease itself is an inflammation that can occur throughout the digestive tract , from the mouth to the anus .
There are two other conditions associated with inflammation of the intestines, which collagenous colitis and colitis limfosistik. Both of these conditions is known as microscopic colitis. Both are types of IBD are quite rare.

Inflammatory Bowel Symptoms
Inflammatory bowel disease is a long-term disease that usually symptoms appear and disappear for some time The severity of symptoms depends on which parts of which become inflamed. Some of the symptoms that commonly occur are:
  • Pain or pain in the abdomen.
  • Weight loss.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Diarrhea mixed with blood and be recurrent.
  • Feeling very tired.
  • Experience nausea and fever.
Keep in mind that the symptoms appear in people is not the same. This condition will come and go over a period of time. Armpit relapse, the symptoms can be mild or very severe.

Causes Inflammatory Bowel
Until now, colitis is unknown underlying cause. Diet and stress levels a person can increase the risk of someone suffering from colitis, but they are not the main cause. What is known is a malfunction of the immune system causes inflammation. It is not yet known what causes the body's immune system mistakes.

Additionally, heredity also thought to have an influence on the rise of enteritis. Risk someone will be higher if there is a close family who suffer from IBD.

Here are some other factors that also increase your risk of suffering from intestinal inflammation.
  • Smoke. This activity greatly increases the risk of Crohn's disease.
  • Medication non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID). Some of the drugs in the group of NSAIDs can increase the risk of developing IBD, such as ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac and others.
Diagnosis of Inflammatory Bowel
Diagnosis of IBD will be conducted by a doctor after examining the signs and symptoms appear. A series of tests performed by a doctor to confirm the diagnosis of intestinal inflammation. Here are some tests that may be performed by a doctor.
  • Blood tests. Blood tests will be conducted to determine whether the body had anemia or infection with bacteria or viruses. Feces were also investigated to check for blood.
  • Endoscopic procedures. With this examination, the doctor can see the inside of your digestive system and take tissue samples for laboratory analysis.
  • Imaging tests. Some imaging procedures such as X-ray, CT scan, MRI, and imaging of the digestive system can also be done.
Treatment of Inflammatory Bowel
Until now, there is no cure for IBD. Treatment and handling are done only to relieve symptoms or to prevent recurrence of symptoms. For mild symptoms, treatment may not be necessary. Typically, mild symptoms will disappear within a few days.

In addition to relieving symptoms, treatment is also done to reduce the risk of complications that may occur. Handling is done can take the form of medicines, therapy, or surgery.

Drugs that will be given to treat ulcerative colitis is:
  • Medication non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID). This medicine will usually be given first to overcome intestinal inflammation. This drug works to reduce the inflammation that occurs. A drug normally used is aminosalicylate and corticosteroids.
  • Immunosuppressant drugs. This drug works to inhibit the activity of immune system damage or harm. These drugs will reduce the inflammation that occurs. Some examples of immunosuppressant drug is azathioprine, cyclosporine and infliximab. For some people, a combination of several drugs work better than just taking one drug alone.
  • Antibiotics. These drugs can be given in addition to other medicines, especially in case of infection. Patients with ulcerative colitis taking antibiotics to control the infection occurred. Examples of commonly used antibiotics are metronidazole and ciprofloxacin.
  • Other drugs. There are other medications to treat the symptoms that arise as a result of intestinal inflammation in addition to inflammation. Ask your doctor before taking drugs that can be bought in pharmacies. Anti-diarrhea medications, pain relievers, iron supplements, vitamin supplements, and calcium may be given depending on the condition and symptoms.
If treatment used to relieve the symptoms of colitis can not help, surgical procedures may be necessary. Patients with ulcerative colitis with symptoms severe enough usually do not respond to treatment with drugs. Surgery is performed to remove part of the colon that is experiencing severe inflammation.

In patients with Crohn's disease, surgery is performed to remove the part that is damaged and reconnect the digestive tract healthy. After surgery, the consumption of drugs should be continued to prevent relapse.

Inflammatory Bowel Complication
Inflammatory bowel disease is divided into Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis could lead to several complications if the inflammation is not controlled. Here are the complications that may occur as a result of Crohn's disease:
  • Ulcers. When inflammation occurs in the time period long enough or chronic, can lead to the appearance of ulcers in the digestive system, such as the mouth, intestine and anus.
  • Fistula. Ulcers are already in to form a hole in the wall of the digestive tract will cause fistula. A fistula is an abnormal connection between some parts of the body, for example the intestine to other organs being connected. Fistula will interfere with digestion and absorption of food. Fistula can be infected and can be dangerous if not handled properly.
  • Intestinal obstruction. Crohn's disease can affect the thickness of the intestinal wall. As a result, delivery of food digestion could be closed. To lift the problematic part, will be required operating procedures.
  • Cancer of the colon (large intestine). Your risk of colon cancer increases when Crohn's disease affects the large intestine. For patients with Crohn's disease, are advised to regularly colonoscopy procedure.
  • Anal fissure. The emergence of any breaks in the tissue around the walls of the anus or the skin around the anus. These injuries could be the location of the emergence of infection. You will feel pain and bleeding during bowel movements.
  • Malnutrition. The body will be difficult to absorb nutrients due to the emergence of inflammation and symptoms such as nausea and diarrhea. Conditions that are common in patients with IBD is a deficiency in iron and vitamin B12.
  • The side effects of medicines. Medicines for Crohn's disease that serves to hinder the performance of the immune system cancer risk of lymphoma and skin cancer. Corticosteroids also risk of causing osteoporosis, cataracts, glaucoma, and high sugar content.
While the complications that may occur in ulcerative colitis is:
  • Appear hole in the colon.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Dehydration.
  • Inflammation of the skin, eyes and joints.
  • The risk of colon cancer increases.
  • Increased risk of blood clots.

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