Urticaria , what and how to overcome them

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Urticaria is a reaction of the skin that causes the appearance of red or white welts and itchy. These lesions initially appear in one part of the body and eventually spread . One cause is an allergy generally . The size and shape of lesions can also vary .

Rashes in cases of urticaria or urticaria will itch , but it can also feel sore or stinging . Urticaria symptoms can last for hours to days . Urticaria that occurred during less than six weeks is referred to as acute urticaria or short term . but also cases of hives that last longer than six weeks or is recurrent for several months or even years . This rare condition known as chronic urticaria or long term .
Chronic urticaria can be interpreted as a sign of other diseases being suffered. For example, because of thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes or lupus.

Urticaria or urticaria is more common in children and women at the age of 30-60 years. In addition, people who have allergies are also more at risk to experience it.

Causes of Urticaria 
The emergence of welts on the skin triggered by high levels of histamine that is released into the skin. Histamine causes the blood vessels to relax and widen so blood flow increases. With the amount of blood that flows beneath the surface of the skin, the skin looks flushed. This was also the excess fluid that causes swelling of the skin and a sense of itching.

Here are some things that can cause urticaria:
  • It comes in contact with triggers or allergens, such as latex and fur.
  • Food most common causes of urticaria are nuts, chocolate, seafood, eggs, wheat, and milk.
  • Almost all drugs can cause urticaria, such as antibiotics, aspirin, anti-hypertensive drugs and ibuprofen.
  • Additives or additives in foods such as sweeteners, preservatives, flavor enhancers, dyes, thickeners, and others.
  • Infections such as hepatitis and glandular fever.
  • insect bite
  • Environmental factors such as exposure to conditions or hot or cold weather, exposure to certain water, or even sunlight.
  • Stress.
Sometimes the condition of chronic urticaria is not known the exact cause. But several factors can trigger urticaria or exacerbate existing symptoms, such as drinking alcohol or caffeinated beverages, feel stressed, and a hot air temperature.

How to Recognize Urticaria  Skin
Urticaria or hives can be ascertained by examining the existing lesions or rashes on the skin directly by a doctor. The doctor will ask about the condition of urticaria suffered. Starting from when and how urticaria appear and whether the patient has been taking the drug or food that has not been taken before, and if there is a change in circumstances.

How to Treat Urticaria
Urticaria or urticaria mostly do not require special treatment. These symptoms usually disappear within a few days. If was very disturbing, antihistamines can be used to treat itchiness. For more severe cases, use of corticosteroid tablets.

Urticaria and Accompanying Diseases
Angioedema is a swelling of the deeper skin layers. This swelling usually occurs in the eyes, lips, and genitalia.

Urticaria can also be part of the symptoms of anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction and occurs suddenly that may cause death. This condition is considered a state of emergency due to some extreme symptoms. Here are other symptoms of anaphylaxis:
  • Swelling of the eyelids, lips, hands and feet.
  • Shortness of breath caused by narrowing of the airways.
  • Abdominal pain and vomiting.
symptoms of Urticaria
Lesions that appear as a result of urticaria usually itchy size and location vary. These lesions can disappear in one section and then again in other parts of the body. After these lesions disappear, the skin will return to normal by itself. Urticaria in general will get better and disappear within two days. There are several triggers that can worsen the symptoms of urticaria being experienced, namely:
Avoid factors above so as not to aggravate the symptoms experienced urticaria. If the symptoms seem severe urticaria and lasted more than two days, see your doctor. Handling may or specific treatment to relieve the symptoms experienced.

urticaria vasculitis
Urticaria vasculitis is a condition where blood vessels in the skin is inflamed. This is the kind of urticaria are rare. Welt on these types last longer than one day. Besides feels far more painful, these lesions can also leave a bruise.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction that occurs suddenly. This condition is very dangerous and can be fatal. Most people who have allergies do not reach the level of anaphylaxis if exposed to allergy triggers.

Besides urticaria, symptoms of anaphylaxis include:
  • Swelling of the eyelids, lips, hands, feet.
  • Hard to breathe.
  • Dizzy.
  • Fainting.
  • Pain or nausea in the abdomen.
  • Throws up.
People who suffer from asthma or eczema skin disease are more at risk for anaphylaxis than other people. Although a serious condition, the patient can recover fully anaphylactic origin handled properly and quickly.

Causes of Urticaria
Lesions that appear on the skin due to increased histamine and other related chemical elements from below the skin surface. To control the symptoms or avoid a recurrence of urticaria, it would be good to find out triggers and causes of urticaria. Urticaria caused by food, drinks, or drugs are easier to avoid. In contrast, if urticaria caused by stress, it will be more difficult to overcome.

Acute urticaria urticaria symptoms are not more than six weeks. Unfortunately, more than half of cases of acute urticaria of unknown cause. However, the following are some of the factors thought to trigger acute urticaria, namely:

Allergic reaction to factors in the environment such as pollen, dust mites, or certain chemicals.
  • Allergies to foods such as nuts, seafood, eggs, and milk.
  • Experiencing stress.
  • Insect bites.
  • Infections, whether mild colds to serious such as HIV.
  • The side effects of medicines eg antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs or non-steroidal, and aspirin.
  • Changes in temperature.
  • Exposure to sunlight.    read also : the-benefits-of-sunlight
  • The quality of water used is not suitable.
At CU, the existing symptoms lasting more than six weeks. Usually the cause of chronic urticaria is more difficult to resolve. But the cause of chronic urticaria can be the same conditions with the conditions of acute urticaria.

Autoimmune is immune reactions mistakenly identify parts of the body itself so that attack normal cells and tissues. Antibodies produced by the immune system triggers the release of histamine and this is what resulted in chronic urticaria. Not yet fully known why the immune system may mistakenly attack the body's cells to normal. Therefore, there are some cases of chronic urticaria associated with autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.

Particularly in chronic urticaria, this condition is recurrent. Urticaria will appear and disappear within a certain time. Some of the factors that trigger or aggravate chronic urticaria, among others:
  • Consuming beverages containing alcohol or caffeine .
  • Hot weather.
  • Wearing clothes that are too tight for a long time .
  • Taking drugs such as anti - hypertensive drugs such as ACE inhibitors , anti-inflammatory drugs and non - steroidal painkillers .
  • Eating the additives in the food or beverage .
  • Experiencing stress.
  • Insect bites or stings .
Besides the things above , chronic urticaria can also occur due to intestinal infections , disorders of the thyroid gland , and hepatitis .

The diagnosis Urticaria
The doctor will do a physical exam and ask about symptoms experienced to determine the cause of urticaria or urticaria occur. It is intended that in the future patients can avoid it. The doctor will ask questions about when and how the symptoms of urticaria occurs and if there is something new going on such as changes in the environment or eat food that has never eaten before.

Blood and skin tests may be done to find out if you are allergic to anything. But more than half of cases of acute urticaria of unknown cause.

In chronic urticaria, allergy testing is rarely done because it is rarely caused by allergic reactions. Several tests were conducted to determine the cause of chronic urticaria are:
  • The calculation of the level of antibodies in the blood.
  • Complete blood tests, to check the level of red blood cells were functioning normally.
  • Liver function tests.
  • Sampling of feces to find out if there is an infection in the intestine.
  • Thyroid function tests.
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate test (LED) to recognize a problem with the immune system.
Urticaria treatment
Urticaria most cases mild and can be cured in two days. Handling or treatment is tailored to the level of symptoms experienced and a contributing factor.

Acute urticaria
Acute urticaria is urticaria with symptoms that last no longer than six weeks. Here are some drugs to cope with acute urticaria.
  • Antihistamines. These drugs stop the itching and reduce the lesions that appear by inhibiting histamine. It is not recommended to be given to pregnant women because of their safety is unknown. Examples of antihistamines are loratadine, cetirizine and fexofenadine.
  • Corticosteroids. The drug is administered to alleviate symptoms of severe urticaria. Corticosteroids work by blocking immune system performance. Examples of the drug is prednisolone. This drug is not to be consumed in the long term. Long-term use can cause side effects such as hypertension, cataracts, glaucoma, and diabetes.
Chronic urticaria
Medications used to treat chronic urticaria or last more than six weeks are:
  • H1 antihistamines and H2.Selama urticaria symptoms appear, it is recommended to consume H1 antihistamine. Doses were taken adapted to the symptoms encountered. Particularly in chronic urticaria, if the usual H1 antihistamines do not relieve the symptoms, there is a new H1 antihistamine called rupatidine. These drugs more effectively address chronic urticaria. When the appearance of the rash is getting worse, H2 antihistamines can be taken to cope with the rash condition with a way to narrow the blood vessels. H2 antihistamines have side effects such as headache, diarrhea and dizziness. Do not operate tools or heavy vehicle if taking this drug.
  • Corticosteroids. Chronic urticaria with a severe relapse can also be treated with corticosteroids. Drug side effects are increased appetite, weight gain, mood swings and sleeplessness. Therefore, it is not recommended for use in the long term.
  • Leukotriene receptor antagonists. These drugs help reduce the swelling and redness of the skin. Quite mild side effects such as nausea and headaches that can be used for a long period of time.
  • Cyclosporin. Just like corticosteroids, this drug also inhibits the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy body cells. Side effects of this drug include hypertension, kidney problems, headaches, high blood cholesterol, tremors or shaking, and increase the risk of infection.
  • Omaluzimab. These drugs can reduce the types of antibodies in the body that acts cause urticaria. The drug is administered by injection.
  • Light therapy (phototherapy) ultraviolet B light therapy can eliminate rashes or lesions that do not subside. The skin of the problem will be given exposure to ultraviolet light.
There are several ways to help relieve the symptoms experienced as a result of urticaria :
  • Avoid scratching the lesions or rash appearing .
  • Do not use soaps containing harsh chemicals .
  • Keep the affected skin area remains cold urticaria , is not closed tight clothes , and smeared lotion conditioning .
  • Use loose clothing and light .
  • Avoid triggering factors such as additives in food , alcohol , painkillers , hot or cold conditions and stress .
complications Urticaria
Urticaria can greatly affect the lives of sufferers, especially that experienced in the long term. If not treated at all, rash, urticaria often spread throughout the body and itchy would disrupt the daily activities of sufferers and even lead to various complications.

Patients with chronic or acute urticaria may develop angioedema. Angioedema is a swelling of the lining of the human skin in the deeper part. While in urticaria, swelling occurs in the outer layer of skin. The part that is usually affected by angioedema is the eyelids, lips, hands, feet, and around the genitals.

This condition can last approximately three days. Symptoms appear more severe than ordinary urticaria. One cause of this condition is that an ACE inhibitor antihypertensive agents.

To overcome angioedema, antihistamines and steroids can be used.

Anaphylaxis is a severe allergic reaction and occurs suddenly. This condition can be fatal because symptoms are extreme. Anaphylaxis causes a decrease in blood pressure that can direct people who experience fainting. In addition, the swelling will immediately occur particularly on the face and throat or neck, so people will be difficult to breathe. The symptoms of anaphylaxis are:
  • Swelling of the eyelids, lips, hands, feet
  • Pain or nausea in the abdomen
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Dizzy
  • Throws up
The only treatment used for anaphylaxis is using epinephrine injection. This medicine is used to reverse the symptoms of reactions that occur in anaphylaxis. Keep in mind that this is an emergency, if you suspect any symptoms of anaphylaxis, immediately to the nearest hospital.

1 Response to "Urticaria , what and how to overcome them"

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