Fiber is important for digestion and health of our bodies. Fiber can bind fat that comes from our food consumption daily, then tied up and digested completely. Conceivably, if we do not consume fiber, then all the fat will not be bound and the more difficult to digest. To cause obesity, which is a factor the onset of serious diseases.
function Fiber
Fiber itself has a lot of functions of these fibers, and makes it very important for the body to:
- digestion
- lower cholesterol
- help you lose weight
- create satiety longer
Then how to obtain optimal fiber intake in a day? Here are some foods that can support the needs of fiber daily.
Green vegetables are natural products that contain fiber and must be consumed as food 4 healthy 5 perfect. In addition to various other vitamins and minerals that are useful for the body. Here are some types of green vegetables that have high fiber content:
1. Broccoli - Broccoli is one of the low cholesterol foods are very healthy. The greens have turned out to have enough fiber content is 0.9 grams per 100 grams of broccoli. Besides broccoli also contains a variety of vitamins are very good for the body.
2. Spinach - Leafy greens are often associated with the cartoon character Popeye has a very high fiber content. You'll get the benefits of fiber as much as 2.8 grams per 100 grams of spinach that you consume each day.
3. Kale - Kale, besides contains calcium and vitamins, are also fiber-rich foods. If you feel constipated, then kale can help you in your digestion.
4. Beans - Beans it also has a high fiber content. 100 grams of beans is able to produce 1.2 grams of fiber that will be very good for health, even suitable as food for hemorrhoid sufferers.
5. Leaf Lettuce - Lettuce is commonly be found in salad and a burger, it has high fiber. You can feel the benefits of 0.6 grams of fiber when you consume 100 grams of lettuce this.
6. Zucchini - Japanese Cucumber or suki is a type of cucumber that is solid green and has a lot of fiber content. In 100 grams of Japanese cucumber, contained 0.5 grams of fiber contained in Japanese cucumber.
7. Celery - Besides beneficial in slowing the aging process in the body, celery is also a food for lowering high blood pressure. In addition, small and cute leafy vegetables have fiber content of about 1.5 grams per 100 grams of celery.
8. Pare - Never underestimate this bitter vegetable. It turned out that the nutritional content is not bitter taste tablets. Pare it contains vitamin C and karatin, amino acids, and calcium. Foods rich in fiber is promising fiber levels, 0.8 grams per 100 grams. Pare must try to be added to the daily menu.
9. Paprika - The spicy vegetable with interesting color also has fiber that is good for our bodies. Containing 1.3 g of fiber per 100 grams of peppers, you will be able to feel the benefits immediately.
10. Carrots - Besides good for eye health because they contain vitamin A, carrots also have very high fiber content than any other vegetable. About 4 gran fiber per 100 grams of carrots.
11. Potatoes - Potatoes are one of the types of tubers that are normally the complementary foods, such as french fries, mashed potatoes, and so on. As a food that has a high carbohydrate, potatoes also have a sufficiently high fiber content, which is about 3 grams of fiber per 100 gram serving of potatoes.
Fruit is not only high source of vitamins, but also rich in fiber. Even in one of the fruit, the average had a higher fiber content of some types of vegetables.
Here are the fruits that have high fiber content:
12. Apples - Who is not familiar with the crispy round this. With a myriad of nutrient content owned, apples appeared to have a relatively high fiber content, which is 4.4 grams per 1 apple fruit.
13. Bananas - Bananas are believed to help digestion, even useful as food for children with diarrhea. because after investigation, 100 grams of fiber bananas contains 0.6 grams of fiber.
14. Pear - Pear is a fruit that has a texture and taste similar to apples, but has a higher water content. Yellow or green fruit is a food rich in fiber, in addition to the content of essential vitamins needed by our body.
15. Avocado - This fruit is used for the sake of beauty. Many who love this fruit for flavor and texture, and consumed as foods containing high calcium. Unmitigated, it turns into one whole avocado fruit, contains 10 grams of fiber. Surely this will be very help enough daily fiber needs - today.
16. Papaya - The fruit is large these have meat orange or yellow fruit is also very good for improving digestion, because it has as much as 1.3 grams of fiber per 100 grams of flesh.
17. Red Guava - Fruits that are round these levels are low in calories and rich in vitamin C. In addition, the fruit also has a high fiber content, which is about 7.3 grams of fiber per 100 grams of flesh.
18. Berry Fruit - Fruit-berryan berries, such as strawberries, blueberries and grapes also have a high fiber content. Do not underestimate the cute shape, because 1 cup berries can contain 10 grams of fiber each day dipelukan by the body.
19. Kiwi Fruit - Fruit that has green flesh is in addition to good taste , also has a relatively high fiber content . 100 gr of flesh , contains 3 grams of fiber .
20. Tomatoes - tomatoes are rich in nutrient content of fiber as much as 4.2 grams per 100 grams . Tomatoes can help meet your daily fiber . In addition to the high vitamin C content in this fruit will also increase benefits for your health .
21. Mango - When slicing alone we can already feel how thick fibers contained in fruits manga . From 100 grams of manga are the fiber content of 1.6 grams .
22. Pineapple - Pineapple is a fruit that is sour and sweet , so it will feel fresh when we ate it. With vitamins and minerals that are good for the body , the pineapple also has fiber grading 1 gram per 100 grams of flesh .
Product nuts and seeds also have high fiber content. Do not underestimate its small size is often a complement to a healthy diet everyday, was awarded an abundance of fiber that is able to maintain body functions. Here are some of them:
23. Corn - In addition to the types of carbohydrate-containing foods is quite high, but corn is also allegedly had a relatively high fiber content. Half a cup of corn kernels containing 2 grams of fiber which is very useful for the body.
24. Wheat - Wheat is a product that is loved for the lovers of healthy lifestyles. With awake calories and high fiber, whole grain will be very useful in meeting the needs of fiber. The content of vitamins and minerals that a lot, the grain may be an alternative to white rice.
25. Red Rice - In addition to wheat, brown rice can also be used as a substitute for white rice, which is consumed as food for diet. High in fiber and vitamins and minerals are abundant, making brown rice can help the stomach feel full faster.
26. Green Beans - One cup of green beans is able to produce the fiber content as much as 8.8 grams of fiber. The green beans are usually consumed in the form of green bean porridge, served for toddlers and children.
27. Edamame - Soy Japan has a high content of fiber and protein. Edamame has a fiber content of 9 grams of fiber per half cup. Edamame is masi rarely consumed in Indonesia, but try to start making alternative vegetable consumption.
28. Red beans - red beans have the best and highest fiber content. 1 cup of kidney beans has 15 grams of fiber. Red beans is one kind of nuts are very popular to be consumed as is, or be a mix of salads, soups and more.
29. Peas - Peas including fiber-rich foods that are not less good for consumption. One cup of boiled peas has 8.8 grams of total fiber content.
30. Oatmeal - Oatmeal is one of the products of cereals made from wheat feedstock. Because it has the basic ingredients of wheat, then oatmeal has maintained calorie and high fiber content. It makes you feel faster kenyaang, and your digestion will always be smooth and secure.
31. Wheat Bread - Bread wheat is different from ordinary white bread. Because the material is made of wheat, whole wheat bread can be an alternative choice for those of you do not like oat meal. To its high fiber content makes it can help meet the needs of fiber from the body in a day.
It is recommended that our body is able to consume fiber as much as 25-35 grams of fiber in a day. With the needs of our body fiber, the digestive processes that occur in our bodies will be better and not obstructed.
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