Food Fat Stomach

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Food Fat Stomach

Abdominal fat is the enemy of many people. Many people try to get rid of fat in the abdomen. Fat in the abdomen in addition to disfiguring also be a sign of an unhealthy body. Fat accumulated in the abdomen can cause certain diseases. Various diseases that can be caused by the accumulation of fat in the abdomen can be a very dangerous disease or illness that is not too dangerous. But certainly, the presence of fat in the abdomen should be addressed as soon as possible

How To Destroy Belly Fat

Various ways can be done to destroy the fat in the stomach, either with specific activities, the use of certain tools, consumption of food and drinks are believed to shed fat in the abdomen, and the consumption of certain drugs. Various means mentioned above has its own effectiveness and ability. For more details will be outlined below:

Exercise regularly
To get a sport that can destroy the function of fat in the abdomen, the right type of exercise is cardio exercise, such as fast walking, sprinting, jogging, aerobics, cycling, and so forth. Sports activities are considered as a type of sport that uses cardio because the whole body from head to toe perform movements or moving and it is very good for burning fat in the abdomen. If the results obtained from this type of exercise is not maximized, then a sport that can be done to assist with cardio exercise, for instance weights. Lifting weights can be done for about 10-20 minutes.

Fulfillment intake of certain nutrients
Some of the vitamins required for the burning of fat in the abdomen is vitamin C and protein. A study shows that a person who consume less vitamin C would be difficult to reduce the fat in their bodies than people who eat vitamin C. This is because vitamin C is capable of forming kartinin, where kartinin a compound capable of converting fat into energy for so that the accumulation of fat the body can be resolved. Low intake of vitamin C will cause the weight has increased and also increased waist circumference. In addition to vitamin C, nutrients need to be satisfied is protein.

Intake of foods containing protein will provide satiety longer than foods containing carbohydrates so it will not be easy to feel hungry and can automatically control the amount of food that enters the body. Proteins needed for this can be vegetable protein or animal protein. [Related article: disease caused by vitamin C deficiency - fruits that contain vitamin C super high and its benefits - due to shortage and excess protein - protein super food that contains high]

Consumption of food and drink fat destroyer
One way to burn fat in the body is to eat a variety of foods and beverages are able to burn fat in the body. There are many types of food and beverages are able to burn fat in the body. Food and drinks will be discussed in more detail in the core part of this article.

The use of a special tool to burn fat
Along with the times, a wide variety of innovations in technology created to be able to make life more healthy. One is a tool used to burn fat. Usually this tool will provide the extra heat so that the user can easily sweat. Tools such as these are usually equipped with certain materials such as natural stone that is capable of emitting electromagnetic waves or infrared that will be very useful to burn fat in the body.

Those are some ways that can be done to destroy the fat in the body. Next will be discussed further on foods and drinks that can destroy fat, especially fat in the stomach.

Food Fat Stomach

The food in the world is very much kind and most of these foods are foods that contain nutrients and also contains a wide range of benefits. One of the functions possessed the food is as destroyer or burning fat in the body, especially those in the human stomach. However, not all food can destroy fat or burn belly fat, just some food alone have such a function.

Some foods that can destroy or burn fat in the abdomen, among others:

1. Eggs

Eggs are one of the foods that contain high animal protein. As has been explained previously that the protein is able to control one's appetite, then this egg nature can help make a person feel full longer. However, consumption of eggs is better if equipped with the consumption of vitamin C on a regular basis.

2. Fresh Meat

Foods that contain high protein next is fresh meat. Fresh meat is in the form of beef or the like. Fresh meat has plenty of protein that is useful for controlling appetite. The benefits to be gained from this meat would be optimal if accompanied with consumption of vitamin C and will be even better if processed into a bit of sugar content.

3. Salmon Fish Oil
One type of food that can be consumed to reduce fat in the belly is to eat salmon oil. This is because the salmon oil contains lots of useful protein to control the appetite.

4. Pineapple
Pineapple is a fruit that has caontain enzyme bromelain, which this enzyme have anti-inflammatory properties. This enzyme, which in turn will help create a flat stomach.

5. Watermelon
A health organization in the United States conducted the study and stated that watermelon is a fruit that is very good for reducing fat in the stomach. The watermelon fruit water content of 91% so that when eating watermelon it will be a lot of water that enters the body. It thus helps a person feel full so do not eat too much. A study in Kentucky prove that eating 2 cups of watermelon juice every day for 8 weeks to lose weight.

6. Almond
Almonds are a type of nut that contain a lot of healthy fats, polyunsaturated fats, and also monounsaturated fat. Both of these fats are very instrumental to help keep someone from eating too much food. A study also produces almonds that can suppress hunger.

7. Celery
Celery is one vegetable that is very low in calories. If you want a flat stomach, then every day should eat a variety of green vegetables and one of them is celery. Celery is also a low-calorie addition to vegetables that contain a lot of fiber, contains a lot of calcium, and also contains a lot of vitamin C, which is where all the content is very useful in weight loss. To obtain optimal results celery work can be done by eating half a glass of celery juice before lunch or before dinner so petrified cleaning your digestive system. Celery can also be added to salads and soups.

8. Cucumber
Cucumber is a vegetable that refresh the body and are also low in calories. 100 grams of cucumber only contains approximately 45 calories. By eating a cucumber every day helps the body avoid the risk of accumulation of abdominal fat. Eating a plate of cucumber salad every day is one that is effective and healthy way to rid the body of harmful toxins that can be released by the digestive system. It also can help the process of weight loss.

9. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are fruits vegetables that contain low calories. One large size tomato contains only 33 calories. These tomatoes also contain a compound 9-oxo-ODA, which is a compound that helps reduce fat in the blood pressure include reducing fat in the abdomen. The compounds are also known to combat chronic diseases associated with obesity.

10. Avocado
Avocado is a fruit that is better able to burn fat in the stomach. This is because the avocado has antibacterial and antifungal properties and contains beneficial nutrients. In addition, avocados also contain amino lecithin. Amino lecithin is known as nutrients that can control your weight. Avocado is also a good source of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats which serves to burn or destroy the fat in the stomach with ease. Avocados are high fiber content also able to control eating and avoid eating foods excessively.

11. Apples
Apple is a fruit that contains a stout fiber so eating them will give you a sense of satiety for longer. A study in Brazil proved that women who consumed> 3 apples a day will lose weight faster than those who did not. In apples also contain compounds known polysaccharide known as pectin which serves to lose weight.

12. Papaya
Papaya is very well known as one of the best fruit in the process of weight loss. This is because papaya has properties so that the fruit is low in fat will help in the diet with a quick and precise.

13. Mushrooms
Fungi are known as one of the food was very amazing in creating a flat stomach and slender. This is because eating mushrooms will make us feel full faster so it will keep your appetite. With subdued appetite, then this will help proper bowel movement and also provides for reducing the role of fat, especially belly fat.

14. Greek Yogurt
Yogurt is one of the right food choices to help reduce belly fat. Eating Greek yogurt can promote the growth of good bacteria in the stomach so that will keep us from abdominal bloating. Then, should who Greek yogurt? This is because the Greek yogurt is known better than regular yogurt and in the manufacturing process capable of producing fat and sugar also lower than other types of yogurt. In addition, Greek yogurt are also high in protein so it can provide satiety longer due to the protein it contains. In addition, greek yogurt able to stabilize insulin, a hormone that is associated with the storage of calories.

15. Banana
Bananas are one of the fruits selected to burn fat. Bananas contain an enzyme that can speed up the digestive process and helps in weight loss process.

16. Oats
Oats are one of the best meals to destroy or burn fat, especially belly fat. Oats is the best intake for the body to start the move. This is because oats containing stout fiber will help in weight loss and also make the stomach full longer.

17. Wine
Wine is one of the fruits that works to burn fat. This is because the wine gives a feeling of fullness due to a slow digestive process. The grape juice can reduce 10 pounds in 10 days. However, it must be noted that the consumption of grape juice must be free of sugar.

That is the variety of food that can be consumed and can burn fat in the stomach and creating a flat stomach. If you feel bored with the food, can be helped by trying other foods because many foods have these functions. But keep in mind that in eating these foods is also necessary to have sufficient exercise so that later the results are more optimal.

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