Pork or pork is often known by the term in the English language is one of the meat comes from pigs. In Indonesia alone tertuama in some areas, pigs were purposely bred for meat consumption. The pork itself is slightly different from wild boar meat. Wild boar meat is meat obtained from wild pigs in the forest, wild boar or wild boar was obtained by means hunted, and then sell the meat. While the pork itself is meat obtained from pig farms, as well as beef cattle, goats and other animals are usually reared
The pork itself economically to have a higher price than the meat of wild boar, and also has more nutritional content than the meat of wild boar, as it has nutrition and feed intake also maintained its quality.
In general, the pork had some high nutritional content and are also frequently used as one of the ingredients processed meat consumption to the benefit of day - day. Here are some of the nutritional
content of pork:
- Energy and high calories
- Rich in protein
- Having the content of iron and selenium are also high
- Rich in calcium
- High levels of phosphorus
- Good for keeping our skin health
Often used as a raw material for the material needs of the day - the day, such as toothpaste, soap, as well as vaccines.
Danger Pork
Regardless of the condition of pork is considered illegitimate by some quarters and also some particular belief, it turns out the pork had some danger to our bodies. The following are some of the dangers of pork:
Pork is one kind of meat that have a high fat content. This high fat content can lead to obesity. When you consume too much pork, then this will cause the fat in pork accumulate and cause obesity.
Obesity can cause various health problems mnculnya, and also impact negatively on our health .. The following are the dangers of obesity:
- The body becomes difficult to move
- Easily tired
- Is the entrance of various diseases
- Easy to feel shortness of breath.
- Improve cholesterol levels
High fat content in pork of course would be bad for health. In addition to the fat content which can lead to the emergence of obesity, the fat content is too high in pork can lead to high cholesterol you. yes, high cholesterol levels which of course would be very dangerous for your health, because it can cause:
- Cause a variety of chronic diseases
- Diabetes
- coronary heart
- stroke
- Uric acid
- The lack of oxygen supply
- The body becomes limp lethargic and weak
- drowsiness
- Lack of concentration
- Out of breath
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Fat that accumulates
There are good, if you can and also can eat pork, do not go overboard in consuming pork, because it would be dangerous for your health. also add fiber and vegetables also consume pork to balance the intake of fat and fiber in the body.
Can inhibit blood circulation
Although rich in selenium and iron were able to improve blood circulation, however, a very high fat content in pork can lead to blockage of blood vessels. This blood vessel blockage can lead to the emergence of various diseases. Here are some of the kinds of symptoms that can occur in patients who experience inhibition on blood vessels:
- Deep vein thrombosis
- stroke
- Coronary heart disease
- Heart attack
- The body becomes weak and easily tired
In addition, the condition of the blood circulation into the supply or obstructed blood supply and oxygen to various organs of the body would be decreased, so that the work of some organs of the body are not optimal.
Contains tapeworm
Pork, if not treated properly and correctly jga may still contain tapeworm in it. , The tapeworm is itself a kind of worm that can be found in some types of animals, such as cattle and swine. Especially those who live in the wild, which feed is not controlled by their owners, increasing the risk of contracting tapeworm higher.
Tapeworms can cause some health hazards for our bodies. Here are some of the health hazards of tapeworm that goes into our bodies:
- Stool out containing the worm
- Led to the emergence of symptoms - symptoms of anemia
- Nausea and vomiting - vomiting
- Diarrhea
- difficult defecation
- drastic weight loss
- Cause soreness in the muscles
- Decreased appetite
- Cause disturbances in the respiratory system
- Seizures - Seizures
- Stomach ache
- Itching - Itching of the skin
That's some danger of pork . Eat all the food you'll eat wisely and fairly , do not eat with moderation , because it will lead to the emergence of various health problems. Hopefully this article helpful . thanks.
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