Have You Experienced Dehydration?
Dehydration is a condition in which the body enough fluid. As a result, we will not be able to perform normal activities. So it could thus be said that the body fluids plays a fairly important for our body.
What the Body Fluids?
Most of our body consists of fluid, which acts as a regulator of body temperature, dissolved minerals and other nutrients that can be absorbed by the body, and distribute nutrients and oxygen to the cells of our body. Every person has a body fluid needs vary, it depends on the age, sex, type of activity, weather conditions, state of health, as well as the presence of disease in the suffering.
Liquids such as what is really needed by our body? As quoted from an explanation of a Physician Specialist boy named dr. Diana Yuliani Suryanto, SpA, he explained that most of our body consists of a fluid consisting of water and ions. Surely we already know what it was water, right? Well how about the ion?
Did you know about Ion?
Ions are atoms or group of atoms that have an electrical charge, either positive or negative. Both the charge should have an amount of appeal. Atom itself consists of neutrons are neutral, positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons. Ion has an important role for our body, such as cleaning the blood, increases metabolism in the body, strengthening the immune system, and improve the ability of the brain's neurons. And more important is that the beneficial ions to the body dehydrated.
What If We Disadvantages Ion Body?
Ion is the salt and minerals that exist in our bodies. some things that can prove it is when we're crying, sweating, bleeding, then the taste will be salty. There are some signs or characteristics that may indicate a patient who is experiencing a shortage of ions in the body, namely:
- Although it has been consuming large amounts of water, but patients will still feel thirsty
- Body listless
- The reduced concentration and spirit
- The skin becomes dry
- The occurrence of muscle cramps and joint
- fainting
There are several conditions that are caused by the occurrence due to lack of ions in the body, namely:
1. Hypovolaemia
Hypovolemia is a condition where the body is deprived of extracellular fluid volume (CES). This is in contrast to the condition of dehydration. Hypovolemia occurs when the body's extracellular fluid and electrolyte loss in a proportional amount.
In general, hypovolemia begins with the loss of intravascular fluid. As compensation for these conditions, then finally move to the extracellular fluid intravascular, thus causing a loss of extracellular fluid. Hypovolemia can happen to anyone, including a pregnant woman who allegedly consumed less liquid during the pregnancy period. There are several causes of the condition of hypovolemia can occur, including:
- Abnormal, the body loses water through the skin
- Lack of fluid intake needed by the body
- bleeding
- Diarrhea
2. Dehydration
The situation is different with hypovolemia. Dehydration is a condition in which the volume of fluid out of the body to be larger than the amount of sodium that comes out. According to a Nutritionist from PDGMI jaya, named dr. Saptawati Bardososno, when the body of a patient is dehydrated then the condition can affect cognitive abilities and mood of these patients. However, the effects of these conditions have different effects in men and women. It depends on the degree of dehydration.
A man who is dehydrated at a rate of 1.5%, then the condition will be able to affect cognitive abilities, such as the level of visual ability, level of visual working memory, mood disorders (such as fatigue, slow the onset of anxiety and distress).
Whereas in women who experience a level of 1.3% dehydration can also affect cognitive abilities, such as reduced visual abilities, disturbance in mood (such as confusion, anxiety, less excited, tired, depressed, and so forth). In addition, these patients may also experience a variety of symptoms of dehydration such as poor concentration, headaches, and so forth.
Dehydration can happen to anyone, ranging from infants, children, adolescents, and the elderly. There are some signs that may indicate that a patient is dehydrated, such as:
- thirsty
- Dizzy
- Decrease in urine capacity
- Changes in urine color becomes darker
- Dry skin
- Constipation (read: Food Causes of Constipation in Infants to Adults)
- Drowsiness (symptoms in infants)
- Less active (symptoms in infants)
- The amount of tears that a little while crying (symptoms in infants)
- Fontanelle be shrunk (symptoms in infants)
- Diaper remains in a dry state after a few hours (symptoms in infants)
How To Overcome Shortage Ions in the Body
There are several ways that you can make alternative steps to overcome the shortage of body ions , such as :
Consuming Isotonic Drinks
Isotonic drink is a beverage formulation that it contains electrolytes and salt ions are able to restore the lost body . However , this kind of drink is not suitable for consumption by some circles such as heart disease , diabetes , renal failure , hypertension and gastric disorders . When this has been a lot of products with various isotonic drink brands on the market. So after doing a physical activity such as exercise , you will not be difficult to get an isotonic drink .
Coconut Water Consumption
Coconut water contains potassium ions ( K + ) is more than the content of sodium ions . Potassium ions contained in coconut water is in addition believed to be able to replace lost body ions , but also safe for the heart .
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