The dangers of sleep the evening

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The dangers of sleep the evening

Sleep becomes an essential requirement of every human being to facilitate the body's metabolism. Someone who rarely slept or did not meet the standards of quality sleep will feel less healthy or less healthy. If observed, everyone takes a break for approximately 8 hours every day. If the received time sleep less than 8 hours can be coupled with the intake of nutrients from the outside in the form of fruits and nutritious foods.

Most people will fall asleep at a certain time each day from noon, afternoon, and evening. If the body is in a state of fatigue then the rest will be faster, but there is one condition where the body does not feel sleepy even though the condition of the body in top shape, such as when the mind feel stress, anxiety, and depression.

Before going into the main topic, it would be nice if you know how to make the quality of sleep is becoming increasingly better.

How To Improve Sleep Quality

diligent Exercising
It might sound irrelevant, but from some health experts describe anyone who exercise regularly every day then at night will feel more comfortable in getting sleep. Quality sleep will feel better because the body's metabolism is already in top shape.
Some light exercise  like volleyball, football, and other sports can be on a daily basis.

Set the Sleep Schedule
On average we do not set the time or when it will be taking an indefinite schedule. The body has its own alarm when it's time to rest. Do not force the body to sleep over at 9 pm, or at least not too often stay up. Keeping the rhythm of sleep each day will expedite metabolism.

Do not Eat Foods Weight
To produce a better quality of sleep should not consume heavy meals before bedtime. If you frequently consume heavy meals on a meal a day will make the weight increased because at 7 pm the digestive system does not work optimally.

If you feel hungry before bed makes you can not sleep should consume fruits such as bananas and apples. Vitamins and nutrients in the fruit will not make the slower metabolism.

Proverb that says enough sleep, a lot of consumption of water and do not eat until you are full will be very useful for the quality of your sleep.

Set Your Habits Before Bed
Everyone has different habits before bed such as reading or watching television. If you plan to sleep at 10 pm then all activity should stop at 09:30 at night to prepare the body and mind in the process break.

The body will prepare the conditions of the entire organ to be ready for a break, a very important part note is part of the brain whose performance should be lighter before taking an indefinite.

Do not Turn Electronic Devices
Often we turn on a computer monitor or television near the bed, but the condition of electronic goods in the room continued to burn while you rest will make of these goods increased radiation that disrupts organ performance. The brain disorder that often makes you feel dizzy when getting up in the morning. You should turn off all computer device or gadget before you sleep.

If you do not want to turn off the phone put in a minimum distance of 1 meter from your head. Indeed, we often feel comfortable when you are in front of a computer screen. Activities of watching movies or browsing the internet often takes a long time resulting in body condition does not work optimally.

Stop Communication Via Phone
Often we make a telephone call before bed. By the time you chat using a mobile phone then the performance of the brain will be disturbed and  in standby mode. It takes quite a while to get into the quiet mode before it can rest.

If you are forced to sleep on the spot after a telephone conversation, then the condition of the brain is interrupted. We recommend giving the half-hour intervals to restore the brain's performance back to normal.

Condition Notice Mattress
On average we do not pay attention to the actual condition of the mattress has been a key to getting the best sleep quality. There are several characteristics which a decent mattress for a resting place include:

  • No items strewn around the bed, because the effect will create more narrow size mattress.
  • Note the level of flexibility of the foam do not be too hard and too mushy, try foam in good working condition.
  • Use sheets or blankets mattress to give the impression of attractive and convenient for a break.
If you consider the condition of the mattress more closely then the guaranteed quality of sleep will be better from day to day.

Turn off the room lights
At bedtime, try to extinguish the lamp room. Why is that? Due to the rest of the body must get the light to a minimum to improve the quality of sleep.

There was a study in which the effect of the light from the lamp will stimulate certain hormones that will affect the metabolism of the body. Try to sleep in a state of light off, if you are afraid of the dark could use a decorative lamp with a lower level of description.

Note the Neighborhood House
Conditions or atmosphere outside the home also determine the quality of sleep for a few minor annoyances such as loud noise of vehicles can make the body wake up suddenly that is not good for the body's metabolism. Quality of sleep certainly be a concern for everyone which affects the condition of the body at a later date. If you often sleep in the afternoon should be more careful because there are some adverse effects that can be experienced by anyone.

Not a few people choose to sleep in the afternoon after a long day. Therefore, in order to anticipate the adverse effects you may notice a few anticipation and any ill effects of sleep in the afternoon.

Bad Impacts Sleep Dangers Evening

Improve Cholesterol Levels
Several studies have proven that a person with a sleep routine in the afternoon had cholesterol levels high enough body compared with people who have never slept in the afternoon.

Cholesterol levels can be increased without you knowing when to sleep late because the body automatically have to sleep when the metabolism of the body in a state of maximum. There are several ways to prevent the onset of diabetes that occurs because of an afternoon sleep habits include:

Drinking water after going to bed so that the condition of the body back to normal.
Do a little exercise after waking to prevent the body lacks insulin.
After waking do not directly consume heavy food because it could put heavy strain on the body's metabolism system.

Reduce Memory
Still be a conversation where someone who often sleep late in the evening would result in his memory decline little by little. Perhaps you have felt while sleeping the afternoon then awakened at night. The average person will feel a different atmosphere than usual and then feel the loss of memory while the time.

The move from afternoon to night making body does not adjust automatically because it is still in a state of sleep. One question that is often pronounced when awakened during the night is at what time and what day?

Some prevention of dementia due to too often nap can be done in the following ways:

  • Installing an alarm before nightfall.
  • After waking up do not immediately get up from bed, try to remember the day and time for your brain to get back in the memory before you nap.
  • Attain the body over time, where there is an important concern to you that the body should be better prepared to do activities at night.

Increase Risk of Diabetes
If someone has a habit of sleeping in the afternoon then had to be alert early onset diabetes. In contrast with someone who has the habit of napping will feel disturbed sleep at night.

For the afternoon sleep will directly affect the production of insulin the body that tend to decline due to lack of activity. Changes in sleep time will automatically interrupt the cycle of the body within 24 hours.

Body Will Look Lackluster
Maybe you never noticed if someone who often sleep in the afternoon have the potential decrease in endurance because of metabolism in the body spent the afternoon in which the displacement afternoon to night is very important. The brain will automatically give instructions to all the organs of the body when towards evening. If the body does not respond quickly, the condition of the body will feel less fit. Beware if often sleep late in the evening because it can cause various diseases.

Sleep late in the evening that is now being done with the aim of relaxing the body after active work is necessary, but the intensity of the time were also taken to avoid the occurrence of serious diseases like traits diabetes, cholesterol, and senility. Although no adverse events a lot of frequent sleep the afternoon, you should try to make efforts to prevent more badly affected by smoke. Try to taking an indefinite enough for 8 hours a day so that the condition of the body's metabolism remains smooth.

If later on the condition of the body's metabolism running smoothly, the health of the mind also smoothly. Hopefully, the above information may be useful to you.

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