The risk of obesity during pregnancy

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obesity during pregnancy

Infant mortality is estimated to occur in 24 infants per 10,000 babies in mothers with normal weight. Research shows that the risk of infant mortality increased slightly in pregnant women who are overweight or slightly obese . Meanwhile , the mothers with obesity level 2 or 3 have the risk of infant mortality has doubled, compared to pregnancies in women with normal weight. Not only that , obesity in pregnancy also invited a number of other health risks .

Most infant deaths are caused by birth asphyxia or condition of newborns who have difficulty breathing , have birth defects , infections , and sudden death syndrome in infants . In pregnant women with obesity level 2 or 3 , there is an increased risk of death due to kecactan birth and sudden infant death syndrome .
Shortly before pregnancy, maternal weight itself is classified according to body mass index (body mass index / BMI). How to calculate BMI, ie body weight (kg) divided by height (m) 2. Normal BMI for Asian populations ranged from 18.5 to 22.9.

Meanwhile, BMI below 18.5 indicates that maternal weight is considered less than ideal, while above normal body weight and obesity in Asian populations indicated by BMI follows:
23 to 24.9 means the risk of obesity.
25 to 29.9 is obese level 1.
  • 30 or more is obese level 2.
On an international scale, the numbers mean BMI of 25 or more overweight. BMI 30 to 34.99 into the obese level 1. Level 2 Obesity means having a BMI of 35 to 39.99. Furthermore, BMI of 40 or more, including obesity level 3.

Although the results of research on the risk of stillbirth in pregnant women who are obese are still in need of further research, but there is no harm if we remain vigilant. As for other health risks in pregnant women who are overweight or obese, among others:
  • Miscarriage. Obesity increases the risk of pregnant women miscarried.
  • Gestational diabetes or diabetes that occurs during pregnancy, is characterized by the body can not process sugar and carbohydrates effectively. As a result, blood sugar levels soar. Most women who have this condition can control blood sugar levels with regular exercise and apply a healthy diet as recommended by your doctor. Most women would probably require insulin to maintain normal blood sugar levels.
Controlling blood sugar levels is important because gestational diabetes uncontrolled can increase the risk of premature birth, preklamsia, born by Caesarean section, the baby is born with the blood sugar levels are low, affected by jaundice, breathing problems, or babies born with a large body weight so that it can lead to delivery complications.
  • Infections, such as urinary tract infections and infection after childbirth, whether normal or caesarian delivery. If you feel the symptoms of a urinary tract infection, consult a physician. The symptoms may include pain during urination, the water is cloudy or reddish urine and smelled, back pain, frequent urination, lower abdominal pain like pressure, fever, fatigue, and nausea.
Be careful, urinary tract infections can also occur without you knowing it because the symptoms are not too pronounced. Urine tests may be needed to find out if there is a urinary tract infection. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics. In addition, to help protect themselves from infection, you can keep clean, for example by washing hands before meals and before and after defecation, and always maintain the cleanliness of the sex organs.
  • Prolonged pregnancy. Obesity increases the risk of pregnancy beyond the due date.
  • Preeclampsia. Pregnant women who are obese at risk for preeclampsia is characterized by high blood pressure during pregnancy and signs of damage to the kidney or other organ systems.
  • Problems during childbirth, thus often requiring induction of labor. Obesity also can interfere with the effects of painkillers.
  • The other problem. In addition to the risks described above, other studies reveal that obesity during pregnancy is associated with a longer labor. This condition makes the pregnant women have a greater tendency to give birth by Caesarean. Plus, caesarean lived obese mothers also a risk of infection in the wound. In addition, obese mothers are also at risk of stillbirth or stillbirth.
Research also shows that during the process of pregnancy, obese pregnant women have an increased need for health services, such as more frequent need to perform prenatal examinations, consume more drugs for the outpatient treatment, and undergo ultrasonography (USG) content.

Do not be afraid, if you include obese during pregnancy, consult your gynecologist about how to live a healthy pregnancy, including the ideal diet, and exercise are needed. Meanwhile, if you are obese and planning to become pregnant, it is better to lose weight before starting the program was pregnant. The study revealed that women who are overweight and even obese tend to have a healthy pregnancy if lose weight before becoming pregnant.

( read also : how-to-treat-pregnant-wife )

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