Tips to Improve Memory

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Tips to Improve Memory

Various events in our lives there must be some who get into the brain memory. The memory can only survive in the long term and at any time we can call or we dig back if needed. Everyone has a memory that varies, some have a very high memory, but there is also very difficult to remember something because of the ability of the brain were very weak. At the age of time, whether children, adolescents, adults, or parents are likely to have nuisance in terms of memory. However, usually the older the person's age will also weaken memory owned. However, not only the age factor that affects a person's memory. Anything? Here's a complete explanation.

Factors that Affect Memory
There are several factors affecting higher or lower a person's memory. Among them:

1. Age
The age factor is the most common factor affecting the high-low a person's memory. Usually, the older a person it will be the lower the person's memory. But that does not mean also memory loss can not be prevented. Currently, there are many different types of counter supplement that offers inhibition method to improve memory. Back to age as a factor affecting a person's memory. In childhood, namely at the age of 10 to 14 years, a person's memory is at its peak. At the age of a person's memory will be functioning properly. Therefore, if you have a child at that age it will be very appropriate for you to embed a wide range of knowledge because at that age a person's memory to function optimally. At that age would apply process being mechanical memory, which is memory that are sensory impressions. In the next age, a person's memory could also increase. However, the type of memory that is easier to store in the memory of the brain is its nature implies yag memory (logical memory). The process takes place at the age of 15 to 50 years.

2. Physical Condition
A person's physical condition greatly affects the rate of memory. When a person's physical condition are tired, ill, or do not fit usually memory will decline. However, when the physical condition in a state fit, usually recall process will be optimal. In addition, when a person less rested triggering unhealthy physical condition can also lead to memory loss.

3. Factors Emotions
Something that can make the heart impress or be able to touch the feelings will usually be more memorable than something that does not give the impression to someone. One thing, either events or objects that do not give any impression that tend to be ignored in this case emotional factors are factors that play a major role in terms of memory.

4. Interest or motivation
Everyone has interests and hobbies are also different. For example, someone has a hobby in music, then something related to music certainly will be remembered as compared to other things that are not related to music. That is, one would be easier to remember something he likes than something that is not of interest to them or even do not like at all. In the process of planting a memory, the interest would motivate someone to continue to learn something that indeed he liked. Then, because of the interest that a person will develop his abilities. A German psychologist Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) states that interest and motivation showed a concentration of energy in certain sectors that are in consciousness. The concentration of energy is what makes something not easily forgotten by someone.
That's four factors are higher or lower a person's memory. Next will be explained on a number of factors that can trigger someone's memory decline.

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Memory Loss Factor
You may often encounter situations when you put an item but a few seconds later you forget where you put the object. Throughout the tempo is not too often, it could be considered fair. However, you would need to know why your memory is low so you often forget where you put something. Often forgotten or difficulty in remembering things indicate a condition that causes your memory decreases. Even though you are still relatively young age, is not impossible that your memory has decreased. So it does not mean memory loss only occurs in the elderly. There are some habits that refers to the unhealthy lifestyles that lead to memory loss, even at relatively young ages. Here are some of the factors that lead to memory loss.

1. Less Rest
As has been mentioned before in the high and low factors affecting a person's memory, physical condition factors greatly affect how the level of a person's memory. A person who lacks rest will cause a weakened physical condition. The conditions at the same time will be followed by memory loss. You need to know also, that when we sleep, the brain remembers information that we get in a day. In addition, the brain also will restore the ability of the brain so that its work will also be strengthened. Lack of sleep in a relatively long period of time can lead to damage to brain cells. As we know, third time owned by a man used to rest. In other words, every day we take about 8 hours to sleep or rest. When we sleep, the body will normalize the various systems that may be impaired at the time of the move, including the performance of our brain. However, the most important of the sleep process is not only in terms of quantity, but rather in terms of quality must also be considered.

2. Concerned Less Food Intake
Culture of modern life causes many people do not implement a healthy lifestyle, including in terms of adjusting the diet. Many people who consume a variety of foods, regardless of the content of nutrients in the food they eat. Most people prefer the aspect of satiated and comfortable to meet the needs of the body's digestive. In fact, the habit of eating unhealthy foods that contain a lot of synthetic food additives is not good for the health of the body, including the brain health. Especially if you like to eat fast food that contain a lot of bad fats. Bad fats could lead to blockages in the blood vessels of the brain that can cause damage to brain function.

3. Smoking Habit, Drink Alcohol and Drugs
Smoking, drinking alcohol, and taking drugs can lead to damage to brain cells. As a result, brain memory will also decrease. Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs is some kind of intake that can damage organs and cells in the brain. While smoking, in addition to be a toxin, the smoke is inhaled into the body will also trigger the brain lacks oxygen supply to the brain's performance will also be affected.

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4. Lack of Exercise
Physical activity is needed by our body so that the body also maintained his fitness. Lack of exercise will cause blood flow is not smooth so that the blood supply that carries oxygen throughout the body, including the brain is inhibited. If that happens, it can be ascertained performance will be impaired brain and affects a person's memory. If you are a worker that requires you to sit in a relatively long time, then do slight movements to keep the blood circulation in the body remains smooth.

5. Many Consuming Drugs
many people who consume various types of drugs such as anti-allergy medications, anti-depressants, sert indigestion medicines without a prescription from a doctor. Though it is a behavior that is not true. Consuming drugs in the time period too long can lead to damage to brain cells. Therefore, avoid consuming various types of drugs without a prescription. If you have health problems then you should seek medical attention so that the doctor can provide appropriate medical treatment and appropriate.

6. Stress and Depression
Someone who is stressed or depressed will have a relatively low memory. Stress and depression can trigger cell death in the brain, in other words, can degrade the performance of the brain. In addition, high levels of stress in a relatively long time will interfere with concentration in thinking. Besides, traumatic stress that are causing excessive anxiety can also lead to memory loss.

7. Consuming Food Containing Much Sugar
If you love to eat sweet foods so from now cut back the intake of sweet foods if you do not want to decreased memory. Consuming foods with sugar levels too can be resistance absorption of nutrients and proteins needed by the brain. In fact, the nutrients and protein also is urgently needed brain to improve its performance. If the sugar content increases, the memory will also be decreased.

8. Less Brain Stimulation
Train the brain sharpness is very important to improve memory. Unfortunately, many people are lazy and prefer not to engage in activities that encourage perspicacity. Perform a variety of positive activities such as reading, memorizing, playing chess, and so forth can stimulate the brain to work more actively. Unfortunately, if the stimulation given to the brain is certainly less brainpower will also decrease.

How to Improve Memory
To improve your memory, you can do some of the following methods:

1. Adequate Nutrition and Nutritional Needs for the Body
The brain's performance is very dependent on the various types of nutrients into the body. Fill the nutritional needs required by the body, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals so that the performance of the body and the brain also become more optimal. Try also to ensure that you limit the intake of some fast food as well as some types of foods that contain saturated fats. Foods that contain a lot of synthetic food additives and are also rich in saturated fat can lead to clogged arteries. The condition can lead to inhibition of blood supply and oxygen to the brain. Therefore, pay attention to diet is very important to improve brain memory.

2. Consuming Natural Supplements
A balanced diet is certainly very good for maintaining a healthy body and brain. However, not infrequently, people who diet with the wrong method to trigger the intake of nutrients into the body becomes less. Brain function is highly dependent on the type of vitamin B12. Therefore, you can increase the consumption of foods rich in vitamin B12 such as milk, meat and eggs. Besides, taking cod liver oil is also good as a natural supplement for brain health.

3. Exercise Routine
Exercise is physical activity that are essential to maintaining the health of the body, including the brain. With exercise, the blood flow throughout the body become more fluent. By exercising Similarly, the supply of blood, oxygen, and also different types of nutrients to the brain will go more smoothly. Because the exercise is very important to improve your memory.

4. Rest In Enough
It was explained earlier that a third of the time in our lives is to rest. In other words, your body will be healthier to sleep for 8 hours per day. Never stay up if they are not necessary. When we sleep, the regeneration of cells in the brain will take place. In addition, when we sleep the brain will work to recall the things that had happened during the day. Lack of sleep can also lead to damage to the brain cells. For that, fill your body needs rest to sleep for 6 to 8 hours per day.

5. Exercise Mental and Neurobic
Exercise your mental health with various types of game that can sharpen the ability of the brain. The process also will stimulate the brain to be sharper and have better memory. For neurobic activity, you can do different activities every day. These activities are things that are changing the flow or create new neural pathways. For example, brushing your teeth or use the left hand if you are left-handed then you can do it by hand instead.

6. Relaxation and Socializing with Neighbourhood
High levels of stress can lead to brain cell damage and decreasing person's memory. To improve memory, do relaxation so that your brain is protected from stress. Additionally, socialize with their surroundings will reduce levels of stress you have. By socializing indirectly you've assembled psychological support may shy away from feeling depressed due to stress.

7. mnemonics
Mnemonics devices are the kinds of clues that will help you to remember something.Salah one way to do is to connect the visual imagery with words or phrases. One device mnemonics are acronyms. Typically, a collection of facts will be easier to remember when used as a story. The condition is associated with a person's emotional state. When one sees or might see or hear something that makes touched or is able to make it memorable then it will usually be easier to remember and to survive in the memory of the brain within a relatively longer.

8. Meditation
Meditation is one alternative that is effective enough to improve memory. Meditation will help the body become more relaxed and able to test your mind to concentrate on the surrounding environment.

Some intake can increase the Memory
To improve memory, you can do one of the methods through food. Some of these foods are believed to contain different types of nutrients that can improve brain memory:
  • Green vegetables are rich in nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. As described previously, the performance of our brain relies heavily on vitamin B12. Type vitamin B12 one of which can be obtained through the greens. Some greens are believed to improve memory are spinach, celery and other green vegetables. Besides rich in vitamin B12 is good for brain health, vegetables are also rich in fiber which is good for keeping the digestive system.
  • Fish, especially marine fish is very rich in vitamin B and omega 3. Both can increase the development of brain cells that improve memory. Some types of fish such as herring, salmon, and a variety of other marine fish are good for maintaining brain health.
  • Green tea is rich in antioxidants that can prevent the negative effects of free radicals. In addition, green tea also contains caffeine types that can stimulate the brain to work more actively so that the memory will increase.
  • Wheat is one source of carbohydrate intake. From now you can replace breakfast may be a grain of rice. Besides rich in carbohydrates, oats also contain vitamin B12 which is pretty high. Vitamin B12 that can improve brain memory.
  • Milk is rich in minerals and calcium are good for maintaining brain health. In addition to maintaining brain health, milk is also good for healthy bones, teeth, and digestion.
  • Nuts contain a lot of vitamin E, which can improve brain memory. In addition, one kind of nuts are almonds are rich in omega 3 which can increase the memory of the human brain. The content of natural antioxidants in nuts are also good for preventing the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Chocolate is a food that can improve memory further. Chocolate consumption will improve the mood at the same time sharpen the brain's performance. If you want to consume chocolate to increase memory then you should consume chocolate in a controlled amount. This is because the sugar content in chocolate you can eat so it will hamper the performance of the brain.
  • Cinnamon and honey is a blend of intake that can provide a sense of relaxation for the body and relieve stress. In fact, research shows that simply breathing the scent of cinnamon then we will increase the brain's memory. Consuming cinnamon and honey will prevent nocturnal metabolic stress that causes damage to brain cells.
  • Coconut oil contains a variety of nutrients that are believed to prevent memory loss and also prevent the occurrence of Alzheimer's disease. If you want to improve your memory using coconut oil you can consume a teaspoon of coconut oil every day.
  • Black cumin is one kind of spice that can also improve memory. Black cumin is very rich in antioxidants that can sharpen the development of brain cells. Black cumin also contains many substances that are anti-inflammatory that can protect brain cells from damage.
Those are some of the methods along with the types of intake that you can take to improve your memory . You always try to keep a healthy lifestyle and also regulate food intake every day to improve and prevent a decrease in your memory . Diligent exercise or do physical exercise will also help the performance of brain cells .

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