16 Meals Healthy Sperm Enhancer for Men
In human life, there are two most important point that must be performed by humans. The first is to survive, and the second is to continue the descent. Continuing the descent is not easy for some people. There are some people who are blessed with the fortune that quite a lot so it is easy to get descent. There is also a need to fight very hard to get offspring. One of the factors that led to the easy or too hard to get a descent is a matter of health.
In addition to the health of the human body itself, there are other health to be important in terms of continuing the descent. It is the health of sperm. Sperm are the cells of the male reproductive system. When the sperm out, he will try to fertilize the ovum and then make the woman pregnant. Here are some foods that you can consume to make healthy sperm you;
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The banana is one fruit that is worthy of your consumption to increase the quantity of your sperm. This is because bananas contain very rare enzyme that is not possessed by other plants. The enzyme is an enzyme bromelain. Bromelain enzyme is an enzyme which is able to increase sex drive and libido in men. In addition to bromelain, bananas also have other ingredients that vitamin B1, vitamin A, and vitamin C are very good for the body if consumed properly. Vitamins contained in bananas can help men to produce more sperm and their sperm healthy.
Pumpkin seeds
The seeds of the pumpkin also proved to have excellent properties for a man's sperm. Because, in the seeds of a pumpkin is contained phytosterols. Phytosterols are a kind of protective compounds that can increase the production of testosterone and also shrink the prostate that has been enlarged. Pumpkin seeds also, besides contains phytosterols, it is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can help improve blood flow throughout the body which then can drain the blood into the penis to the maximum and then have an effect also on sperm production can be more and more and getting healthy.
Nuts Walnuts
Walnuts are one of the nutritious food is good for a man's sperm. This is because nuts contain compounds called arganine. These compounds are able to help the testis for sperm to obtain sperm memperoduksi that much and also healthy sperm. Just like pumpkin seeds that contain omega-3, it was also walnuts contain omega-3 is good for blood circulation. In addition, according to the study, walnuts it contains antioxidants that is twice more than other nuts. From the amount of antioxidants that a lot of it, then he can protect sperm from free radical disruption that can lead to unhealthy sperm.
In a study conducted by an institution in Miami, Florida, found that turned out oysters contain amino acids were very potent and very good for the production of testosterone in men and progesterone in women. If you increase the amount of testosterone, it will automatically improve the quality of your sperm. Not only that, when the amino acid is reacted in the body, the quantity of the sperm you can also increase and make your sperm healthy, fertile and good quality.
For centuries, ginseng is a food very exalted by the Chinese. This is certainly due to extraordinary usefulness to the human body. One of them is the usefulness for men. It's been a long time, the Chinese men using ginseng to increase their sperm count and also the quality of their sperm. Based on the results of research conducted by several parties, found that ginseng itself is contained in the hormonal secretions that can increase libido and sexual KINERA. In fact, in a survey conducted by the Southern Illinois Univerisity against 45 men with sexual dysfunction, in which forty-five men were encouraged to consume ginseng for 16 days, didapai 60% of the 45 men experienced an increase in erection. Therefore, ginseng is good for your sex organs.
The next nutritious foods to increase your sperm count and make the healthier is garlic. Garlic contains allicin is not only able to remove plaque found in arteries, but also help improve blood flow to the genitals, thus providing strength and endurance in your sperm. Additionally, garlic also contains selenium and vitamin B6 were able to prevent damage to sperm and also regulate your hormones.
Brown in addition to delicious and a favorite food for most people because of its sweetness, it also contains an amazingly good for a man's sperm health. Because, in this chocolate contains a compound L-Arginine HCL. Primarily, the compound found in dark chocolate. The compound that is one type of amino compound which is clinically proven to be able to double the volume of semen and sperm. In addition, these compounds are also able to help men improve their sexual pressure by strengthening and mempersering orgasm. However, eating too much chocolate is also very good for the health of your sperm. Therefore, when you want to eat chocolate, eat well and not too much.
The next food that sperm is nutritious add avocado. Besides can be used as a way to gain weight, avocado ni consumed for men. The avocado fruit contains vitamin E and vitamin B6 and folic acid. From the contents, they can increase the motility of the sperm itself and give strength to penetrate the egg of the woman.
Next, the food that can make your sperm count each pomegranate. In some countries, the pomegranate is believed to be very beneficial for one's health. Not only overall health, but the health of sperm. Pomegranate is believed to improve sperm fertility and function of male sexual apparatus. This is because the pomegranate has antioxidants that are good for the main body and the sperm production process.
Eat, for other male fertility is asparagus. Maybe for some people Indonesia is quite strange to hear vegetables asparagus. Asparagus is indeed not a vegetable endemic to Indonesia, is widely grown vegetable in Europe. Asparagus has a property that is very good for the sperm of a man. These vegetables contain vitamin C that can help protect sperm and oxidative damage. In addition, he is also able to protect the cells of the testes. In addition, vitamin C is able to protect the body from free radicals, so as to make the body of a man focused on the production of sperm.
Tomato juice
Tomato juice made indeed it felt good. Besides it tastes fresh, tomato juice is also able to make a man's sperm count is increasing. This is proved by Harvard University who conducts research on some people who often eat tomatoes. In these studies found that people who like to eat tomatoes, the number of sperm far more than those who rarely eat tomatoes.
As we all know that carrots contain a lot of vitamin A is good for the eyes. But you know that vitamin A is not only good for the eyes, but for the growth of healthy sperm. According to some studies, people who lack vitamin A can become infertile due to the motion of the sperm cells slow. Therefore, man can otherwise barren.
Turkey contains zinc which is quite a lot. The content of zinc is very good for the body and if the deficiency, it can cause testosterone levels decrease and make the sperm count to be reduced. Besides turkeys, zinc can also be found in some foods such as eggs, beef, yogurt, wheat, and corn.
Salmon is a fish that is very tasty when used as food. Salmon meat is very tender and tasted delicious. In addition to the taste and texture of the meat is tasty, salmon apparently also contains very good for a man's sperm production. This is because the salmon have kandugan DHA and omega-3 is very good for blood circulation. Because good blood circulation can make maximum sperm production. Besides salmon, sardines, anchovies and some other marine fish also have omega-3 and is very good for a man's sperm production.
Food Containing Folic Acid
If from the first point to the last I mention the name makananya, now I mentioned abortion. Every meal was good for sperm production are foods that contain folic acid. Another name for folic acid is vitamin B9. According to some research, men who lack folic acid, the number of sperm too little. You can obtain this folic acid in some fruits such as lemon, mandarin, and lemon.
containing Selenium
The next food is good for sperm production are foods that contain selenium. According to some studies, selenium-containing foods can stimulate the body to produce healthy sperm and sperm count that much. The food was most contain selenium are brazil nuts. In the brazil nut is found to contain abundant selenium. In addition, there are also some foods that contain selenium, although the numbers are not as much as brazil nuts. They include oatmeal, beef liver, brown rice, etc.
Feature - Feature Healthy Sperm
There are some things you need to know about what kind of healthy sperm, where sperm are healthy it can fertilize the ovum and make your wife pregnant. Here is a characteristic feature of healthy sperm:
What is meant by the shape of healthy sperm itself is that every healthy sperm that can fertilize the ovum and the texture is creamy. Therefore, when you see that you seem viscous semen, it can be ascertained your sperm healthy and can make your wife pregnant. This viscous sperm caused by the condition of the body being fit. Therefore, when you find that you are not in a state sperm thick, then you might be sick, or stress which then affects the viscosity of your sperm. In addition, dilute the sperm can arise also because of the man too often consume alcohol.
The color
In addition to the texture or shape, healthy sperm can also be seen from the color. In plain, healthy sperm has a thick white color. When you see that your sperm is white lumpy, then we can be sure that you are in a sperm healthy and fertile.
The next thing you can see from your sperm and then you can decide whether your sperm healthy and fertile or not is to look at the number of sperm that comes out. If the amount of sperm you are out it very much and meet the criteria mentioned above, namely white and thick, then certainly your sperm is healthy. However, if when you remove sperm, it turns out the numbers a bit, then maybe you are exhausted and need to intake the right to make your sperm becomes more and healthier.
That's three main underlying point whether the sperm is healthy or not. At dasarnnya, it was only done with guessing and look directly into the object, perhaps when the three traits that appear and you never have a baby, there are things you should check with the doctor who is an expert in such matters. How good you also balance it with foods mentioned above to make your sperm to be healthy and good quality.
Causes Sperm Unhealthy
In addition to foods that are recommended for consumption for those of you who want to have healthy sperm and the numbers that much, you are also advised to avoid some of the things that causes the sperm becomes unhealthy. These things, among others;
- stress
- Smoke
- Excessive alcohol consumption
- wearing drug
- obesity
- Frequent exposure to radiation or X-rays
- Wearing pants is too tight
- Too long cycling
- Too often consume foods that contain chemicals such as pesticides
- Often soak in hot water and sitting too long
So are some brief explanations of the foods that you can consume when you feel that you are less healthy sperm. However, it is good that you eat healthy foods that are routinely enhancing properties more pronounced and you also have a healthy sperm and may soon have a baby. In addition, you should also try to avoid things that can make your sperm production decreases, as I already mentioned above. Because no matter how well you eat foods that are good for your sperm production, if you do not stay away from things that are bad for your sperm, then that would be. May be useful!
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